Category: Application Advice

The College Application is NOT a Form. It’s YOUR STORY!

Over the years, I have tried to shine a light on what people often misunderstand in the college admission experience. This has ranged from explorations of waitlists to examinations of deadlines to explications of supply and demand and institutional missions. (I’m sure if I thought hard enough I could come up with other verbs starting […]

Let’s Get A Few Things Straight (about College Admission)

There has been a lot of talk in the last few weeks about how much has changed in college admission. Maybe…. But just like during and following the pandemic, much remains constant. So, let’s get a few things straight. College Admission is Not Fair. I know some groups may claim to have brought this about […]

Applying to College Isn’t Like The Movies

Listen to the Podcast: Spreaker | Spotify | Apple Podcasts This week we welcome current Admission Digital Media Student Assistant Sarah Engel to the blog. Welcome, Sarah! This admission blog has long been written by experts in application evaluation, the admission counselors themselves. But they’ve always hoped you would seek out additional voices in your college […]