3 Ways to Spread Cheer in College Admission

With a 15-year-old son and a 13-year-old daughter, we have many things in our house. Family consensus, however, is rarely one. The variety of opinions between the four of us is comical at times. At times. Mostly it’s maddening. From seemingly simple decisions of what/where to eat to the conservatorship of Britney Spears, on nearly … Continue reading “3 Ways to Spread Cheer in College Admission”

The Committees and Decisions of College Admission… And College Football

This weekend Florida State beat Louisville in the ACC Championship and capped off an undefeated football season at 13-0. Translation for non-sports fans: they beat everyone they played. They practiced and prepared for each game, and despite some hardships– including losing both their first- and second-string quarterbacks to injury, achieved at the highest level within … Continue reading “The Committees and Decisions of College Admission… And College Football”

College Admissions- Middle 50%, Test Optional (… and Country Music?)

In the last week, I’ve made two 5-hour drives. One from Baltimore, MD to Durham, NC. And then a few days later from Charleston, SC to middle Georgia. On these treks, I was thinking about how infrequently I get long stretches of time alone. Early on in my time at Tech, however, that was the … Continue reading “College Admissions- Middle 50%, Test Optional (… and Country Music?)”

College Admission: 3 Messages You Need to Hear

Recently, our family has been watching the TV Show “Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test.” Not sure what it says about us that this is the one program we can all agree on, but that’s not what this blog is about.   In the show, former athletes, reality TV “stars,” actors, and other famous to moderately well-known … Continue reading “College Admission: 3 Messages You Need to Hear”

College Application Submission, 3 Final Checks

I fly a lot. Not “consultant a lot” or “pilot a lot,” but monthly or multi-monthly for sure. Over time I’ve gotten pretty good about tuning out the safety video that precedes take off. Recently, however, I saw one that caught my attention. Instead of a flight attendant walking down the aisle of a plane … Continue reading “College Application Submission, 3 Final Checks”