Money Talks

Listen to the audio version here. (No…It’s not about that.) I spent some time with a good friend in Charlotte, NC last week. The first thing he said when we sat down was, “Been adulting hard lately, brother.” He went on to tell me about dealing with some incredibly tough and delicate HR issues at … Continue reading “Money Talks”

The Money Blog

I think one of the toughest parts about the admission process, especially for talented students, is the pure number of college options you have. In the United States there are more than 2,400 four-year colleges, and more US students are going abroad to study than ever before. And in the middle of all of that, … Continue reading “The Money Blog”

Tackling Tuition: Exploring How to Pay for College  

This week we welcome Enrollment Management’s Communications Officer, Amanda Budd, to the blog. Welcome, Amanda! When I was an undergraduate student, pursuing degrees in journalism and ecology (my journey from ecology to working with college admission is a different story for another day), my ecology degree program had a Family Day to talk about career … Continue reading “Tackling Tuition: Exploring How to Pay for College  “

Three Messages about College Admissions for Juniors

Warning: The subtitle of this blog is “That you may not like to hear.” And unlike most of my intros, we’re not going to waste time or words on analogies, personal anecdotes, or admittedly stretched parallels. Instead, after watching this cycle repeat itself, here are the three direct messages/ primary hopes I have for juniors … Continue reading “Three Messages about College Admissions for Juniors”

College Admission SOS

Thursday, February 22  Atlanta, GA : 5 a.m.  My vibrating watch alarm went off. After 20 years of marriage, I’ve learned the hard way not to set an audible alarm before 6 a.m. (actually, that only took me about two weeks). Groggily, I drug myself downstairs and fed the cat — which is better than … Continue reading “College Admission SOS”