What is Success in College Admission and YOUR Senior Year?

In my office, I have a lots of paintings from my daughter, a few awards, diplomas, and certificates, as well as a number of books, pictures, and admittedly some random other décor I’ve picked up along the way. Most of the time, since I am in there so frequently, I don’t really stop and pay … Continue reading “What is Success in College Admission and YOUR Senior Year?”

Let’s Get A Few Things Straight (about College Admission)

There has been a lot of talk in the last few weeks about how much has changed in college admission. Maybe…. But just like during and following the pandemic, much remains constant. So, let’s get a few things straight. College Admission is Not Fair. I know some groups may claim to have brought this about … Continue reading “Let’s Get A Few Things Straight (about College Admission)”

College Admissions Magic Wand

I have been overcommitted in the last few weeks. Apparently, months ago when I agreed to these programs and presentations, I either did not realize they were all bunched together, or I forgot that April in Admissions Land is chaos.   Ironically, while the audience sizes, venue locations, and Zoom formats have varied, the closing … Continue reading “College Admissions Magic Wand”

The Two Most Important Letters in College Admission

I loved watching Family Feud when I was a kid. The need to think quickly on the first showdown, the spontaneous family dynamics, and playing along at home with anyone who would join me. Over its 40+ year history, guests and gimmicks and hosts and networks have changed, and there have been some dark, quiet … Continue reading “The Two Most Important Letters in College Admission”

The Role of Parents/Caregivers in College Admission

My daughter’s birthday party was last Friday. Long story short, it involved a frenzied and surprisingly competitive neighborhood- wide scavenger hunt, copious amounts of half- eaten pizza slices, a sugar fueled late-night living room dance party, and periodic tween screaming that hit notes any soprano would commend. Good times were had and only one slight … Continue reading “The Role of Parents/Caregivers in College Admission”