Skolnick, J, Kolinski A, Yaris R. 1989. Monte Carlo studies on equilibrium globular protein folding. II. Beta-barrel globular protein models. Biopolymers. 28(6):1059-95. PDF
Sikorski, A, Skolnick J. 1989. Monte Carlo studies on equilibrium globular protein folding. III. The four helix bundle. Biopolymers. 28(6):1097-113. PDF
Skolnick, J, Kolinski A, Yaris R. 1989. Dynamic Monte Carlo study of the folding of a six-stranded Greek key globular protein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 86(4):1229-33. PDF
Sikorski, A, Skolnick J. 1989. Monte Carlo simulation of equilibrium globular protein folding: alpha-helical bundles with long loops. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 86(8):2668-72. PDF
Skolnick, J, Kolinski A. 1989. Computer simulations of globular protein folding and tertiary structure. Annual review of physical chemistry. 40:207-35. PDF
Skolnick, J, Kolinski A, Sikorski A, Yaris R. 1989. Dynamic Monte Carlo simulation of a melt of ring polymers. Polymer Preprints . 30:70-73. PDF
Skolnick, J. 1989. Dynamics of dense polymer systems. Dynamic Monte Carlo simulation results and analytic theory. In: Reactive and Flexible Molecules Liquids. Dorfmuller, T., ed., Klumer Academic Publishers 291:199-220. PDF
Yeates, AT, Skolnick J, Yaris R. 1989. Fit of a nonreptative model of polymer melt dynamics to experimental melt diffusion constant measurements. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics. 27(1):151-154. PDF
Skolnick, J, Yaris R, Kolinski A. 1989. Phenomenological theory of polymer melt dynamics. International Journal of Modern Physics B. 3(1):33. PDF
Skolnick, J, Kolinski A, Yaris R. 1988. Monte Carlo simulations of the folding of beta-barrel globular proteins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 85(14):5057-61. PDF
Holtzer, A, Skolnick J. 1988. Application of the augmented theory of alpha-helix-to-random-coil transitions of two-chain, coiled coils to extant data on synthetic, tropomyosin-analog peptides. Biopolymers. 27(1):87-96. PDF
Skolnick, J, Yaris R, Kolinski A. 1988. Phenomenological theory of the dynamics of polymer melts. I. Analytic treatment of self-diffusion. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 88(2):1407. PDF
Skolnick, J, Yaris R. 1988. Phenomenological theory of the dynamics of polymer melts. II. Viscoelastic properties. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 88(2):1418. PDF
Barrett, AJ, Skolnick J. 1988. On the apparent radius of gyration of linear polymers and the experimental determination of the excluded-volume parameter. Macromolecules. 21(4):1141-1145. PDF
Kolinski, A, Skolnick J, Yaris R. 1987. Monte Carlo studies on equilibrium globular protein folding. I. Homopolymeric lattice models of beta-barrel proteins. Biopolymers. 26(6):937-62. PDF
Skolnick, J. 1987. Possible role of helix-coil transitions in the microscopic mechanism of muscle contraction. Biophysical journal. 51(2):227-43. PDF
Kolinski, A, Skolnick J, Yaris R. 1987. Does reptation describe the dynamics of entangled, finite length polymer systems? A model simulation The Journal of Chemical Physics. 86(3):1567. PDF
Kolinski, A, Skolnick J, Yaris R. 1987. Monte Carlo studies on the long time dynamic properties of dense cubic lattice multichain systems. I. The homopolymeric melt. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 86(12):7164. PDF
Kolinski, A, Skolnick J, Yaris R. 1987. Monte Carlo studies on the long time dynamic properties of dense cubic lattice multichain systems. II. Probe polymer in a matrix of different degrees of polymerization. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 86(12):7174. PDF
Skolnick, J, Kolinski A, Yaris R. 1987. Monte Carlo studies of the long-time dynamics of dense polymer systems. The failure of the reptation model. Accounts of Chemical Research. 20(9):350-356. PDF
Kolinski, A., Skolnick J, Yaris R.. 1987. Dynamic Monte Carlo study of the conformational properties of long flexible polymers. Macromolecules. 20(2):438-440. PDF
Perchak, D, Skolnick J, Yaris R. 1987. Computer simulations of simple models of the ring-flip process in polycarbonate. Macromolecules. 20(1):121-129. PDF
Skolnick, J, Holtzer A. 1986. Alpha-helix-to-random-coil transitions of two-chain, coiled coils: a theoretical model for the “pretransition” in cysteine-190-cross-linked tropomyosin. Biochemistry. 25(20):6192-202. PDF
Kolinski, A, Skolnick J, Yaris R. 1986. Monte Carlo simulations on an equilibrium globular protein folding model. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 83(19):7267-71. PDF
Duffy, P, Skolnick J, Holtzer A. 1986. A theoretical model simulating the anomalous concentration dependence of the equilibrium thermal unfolding curve of noncrosslinked tropomyosin.. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 141(1):394-8. PDF
Kolinski, A, Skolnick J, Yaris R. 1986. The collapse transition of semiflexible polymers. A Monte Carlo simulation of a model system. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 85(6):3585. PDF
Kolinski, A, Skolnick J, Yaris R. 1986. On the short time dynamics of dense polymeric systems and the origin of the glass transition: A model system. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 84(3):1922. PDF
Holtzer, A, Skolnick J. 1986. Theory of α-helix to random coil transition of two-chain, coiled coils. Application of the augmented theory to thermal denaturation of α-tropomyosin. Macromolecules. 19(6):1769-1770. PDF
Kolinski, A, Skolnick J, Yaris R. 1986. Monte Carlo study of local orientational order in a semiflexible polymer melt model. Macromolecules. 19(10):2550-2560. PDF
Kolinski, A, Skolnick J, Yaris R. 1986. Order-disorder transitions in tetrahedral lattice polymer systems. Macromolecules. 19(10):2560-2567. PDF
Skolnick, J. 1986. Theory of the helix-coil transition in doubly crosslinked, two-chain, coiled coils. A globular protein model. Macromolecules. 19(4):1153-1166. PDF
Chen, CL, Skolnick J. 1986. Theory of the helix-coil transition in singly crosslinked, two-chain coiled coils. 2. Role of mismatched states. Macromolecules. 19(1):242-243. PDF
Skolnick, J. 1986. Theory of the helix-coil transition in doubly cross-linked, two-chain, coiled coils. A globular protein model. Modeling of Biomedical Systems. :167-172. PDF
Skolnick, J. 1985. Role of topological constraints in the all-or-none transition of a globular protein model: theory of the helix-coil transition in doubly crosslinked, coiled coils.. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 129(3):848-53. PDF
Skolnick, J. 1985. Theory of the helix-coil transition in single-chain polypeptides with interhelical contacts. The broken .alpha.-helical hairpin model. Macromolecules. 18(6):1073-1083. PDF
Skolnick, J, Yaris R. 1985. Damped orientational diffusion model of polymer local main-chain motion. 5. Comparison with three alternative models. Macromolecules. 18(8):1635-1637. PDF
Skolnick, J, Holtzer A. 1985. Theory of .alpha.-helix-to-random-coil transition of two-chain, coiled coils. Application of the augmented theory to thermal denaturation of .alpha.-tropomyosin. Macromolecules. 18(8):1549-1559. PDF
Skolnick, J. 1985. Theory of the helix-coil transition in singly cross-linked, two-chain, coiled coils. Macromolecules. 18(8):1535-1549. PDF
Perchak, D, Skolnick J, Yaris R. 1985. Dynamics of rigid and flexible constraints for polymers. Effect of the Fixman potential. Macromolecules. 18(3):519-525. PDF
Schaefer, J, Stejskal EO, Perchak D, Skolnick J, Yaris R. 1985. Molecular mechanism of the ring-flip process in polycarbonate. Macromolecules. 18(3):368-373. PDF
Pant, BB, Skolnick J, Yaris R. 1985. Damped orientational diffusion model of polymer local, main chain motion. 4. Effects of probes and side-chains. Macromolecules. 18(2):253-259. PDF
Skolnick, J. 1985. Theory of the kinetics of the helix-coil transition in two-chain, coiled coils. 2. The finite chain. Macromolecules. 18(2):232-243.
Kolinski, A, Skolnick J, Yaris R. 1985. Monte Carlo dynamics of diamond-lattice multichain systems. La Jolla Workshop on Polymer Flow Interaction. 137:241-245. PDF
Skolnick, J. 1985. Theory of the helix-coil transition in two-chain, coiled coils. A globular protein folding model. 11th IMACS World Congress. 2:259.
Skolnick, J, Perchak D, Yaris R, Schaefer J. 1984. Phenomenological model of the stress-strain behavior of glassy polymers. Macromolecules. 17(11):2332-2336. PDF
Skolnick, J. 1984. Theory of helix-coil transitions of α-helical, two-chain, coiled coils. Analytic treatment of the homopolymeric, neglect-loop-entropy model. Macromolecules. 17(10):2153-2158. PDF
Skolnick, J. 1984. Theory of the kinetics of the helix-coil transition in two-chain, coiled coils. I. Infinite chain limit. Macromolecules. 17(10):2158-2173. PDF
Skolnick, J. 1984. Effect of loop entropy on the helix-coil transition of α-helical, two-chain, coiled coils. 3. Supermatrix formulation of the imperfect-matching model. Macromolecules. 17(4):645-658. PDF
Skolnick, J, Perchak D, Yaris R. 1984. Restricted internal segmental rotational diffusion model with segment-segment interactions. Application to 13C NMR. Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969). 57(2):204-220. PDF
Perchak, D, Yaris R, Skolnick J. 1983. Effects of topological solitons on autocorrelation functions for chains of coupled torsional oscillators. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 78(11):6914. PDF
Skolnick, J. 1983. Effect of loop entropy on the helix-coil transition of α-helical, two-chain, coiled coils. 2. Supermatrix formulation of the perfect-matching model. Macromolecules. 16(11):1763-1770. PDF
Skolnick, J, Holtzer A. 1983. Theory of α-helix-to-random-coil transitions of two-chain, coiled coils. Application to the T1 and T2 fragments of α-tropomyosin. Macromolecules. 16(9):1548-1550. PDF
Skolnick, J. 1983. Effect of loop entropy on the helix-coil transition of α-helical, two-chain, coiled coils. Macromolecules. 16(7):1069-1083. PDF
Holtzer, M E, Holtzer A, Skolnick J. 1983. α-Helix-to-random-coil transition of two-chain, coiled coils. Theory and experiments for thermal denaturation of α-tropomyosin at acidic pH. Macromolecules. 16(3):462-465. PDF
Skolnick, J, Yaris R. 1983. Damped orientational diffusion model of polymer local main-chain motion. 3. Inclusion of chain-chain interactions. Macromolecules. 16(2):266-272. PDF
Holtzer, M E, Holtzer A, Skolnick J. 1983. α-Helix-to-random coil transition of two-chain, coiled coils. Theory and experiments for thermal denaturation of α-tropomyosin. Macromolecules. 16(2):173-180. PDF