CODE RED If you’ve seen A Few Good Men (sidenote: ranks in my wife’s Top 3 of all time) then you remember this exchange in the Navy courtroom as Lt. Kaffee (Tom Cruise) examines Col. Jessep (Jack Nicholson—never married to Cruise) about whether or not he ordered a Code Red that led to the death […]
More from our counselors
Listen to admission counselor and Georgia Tech alum Xan Roseberry give his advice to prospective students.
Hear from our counselors!
Hear more from admission counselor Jade Sims on what makes Georgia Tech and Atlanta so special!
Coalition Application
Solace in Uncertainty Rick Clark Director of Undergraduate Admission Recently, as I was en route to visit a high school, the counselor called my office to let me know their AV system was down. She was concerned the malfunction would jeopardize my slide presentation. My assistant assured her, “Don’t worry. He’ll just speak from the […]