Rolling Spring 2022 HCO Vacancy Application

Noticed a vacancy in your Hall Council and interested in serving as a Hall Council Officer (HCO) for the Spring 2022 semester? We’d love to have you join us! Our process for filling HCO vacancies is similar to the original elections process we conducted at the start of the Fall 2021 semester—you should read this page about Fall 2021 HCO elections, understanding that, while the Fall 2021 timeline is not applicable to this current vacancy filling cycle, the general information about RHA, Hall Council, HCO duties and responsibilities, and basic election processes is still applicable!

We keep an up-to-date list of vacant HCO positions on the below application.

What’s Different About the Vacancy Application Process?

There is only one fundamental difference between the Fall 2021 HCO election process linked above and the current Spring 2022 HCO vacancy application that is currently available: the Spring 2022 HCO vacancy application is rolling, and positions may become available or filled throughout the course of the semester.

If you’re interested in filling a vacancy, go ahead and submit an application above. Every Monday at 9am, we review the responses to the application. If you were the only person who submitted an application for that position, congratulations—you will be directly appointed to the position, without the need for a formal election. If multiple people submitted an application for that position, then we will host an election for the position. We will send out copies of candidates profiles for each candidate who applied to your community of residents, and residents will vote via a secure Qualtrics form. This process of producing candidate profiles, sending out voting information to residents, and allowing 24 – 48 hours for residents to cast their votes typically takes no longer than a week. The individual who wins the election will fill that vacancy!

Either way, our Director of Development will reach out with more details about next steps, regardless whether you won or lost your election.