By the powers vested in me by RHA’s Governing Documents, I hereby decree the following changes to the RHA Constitution & RHA Policy Book:
- Change all references to Hall Councils by name to Community Councils. Thus, all councils hold equivalent description within RHA governing documentation.
- Update dates to an accurate description of the last proposed changes and fiscal year.
- Adjust goal/strategy descriptions to be in line with HRL descriptions and suggestions.
- Remove the need for the Judicial Branch, but retain the possibility of its reinstation.
- Change the description of Community Councils to match their nature and intended purpose in line with HRL descriptions and suggestions.
- Adjust the description of Legislative Council (LC) to better represent its purpose in line with HRL descriptions and suggestions.
- Clarify choppy, unclear, or overextended language to increase document readability.
- Adjust procedural timings for last-in-academic-year meetings to allow for smooth completion and transition of new and old business within said meetings.
- Adjust Positional Descriptions/Responsibilities to be in line with HRL descriptions and suggestions.
- Make optional the presence of RHA within elections of councils.
- Fix embedded links to be in line with their descriptions.
- Remove redundant information and add necessary information.
- Adjust Bill Types to fit within the reach of the organization.
- Adjust processes to be in line with HRL descriptions and suggestions.
- Remove RSO involvement within LC.
- Change budget descriptions to be in line with Executive Board & HRL descriptions and suggestions.
- Update outdated information.
- Remove restrictions based on past Executive Board control and realign to HRL descriptions and suggestions.
- Increase communication between Executive Board & Community Councils when interaction is beneficial.
All changes to the RHA constitution will hereby apply to all of RHA’s constituents and participators. All changes to the RHA policy book, in line with HRL suggestions, will hereby apply to all of RHA’s constituents and participators, excluding any policy removed via a unanimous vote of all officers of a Community Council and their Hall Director advisor. In the event of policy exclusion, the exclusion applies solely to the voting Community Council and its own procedure and function.
All changes to the RHA constitution and RHA policy book, as per the constitution, will require a three-quarters vote of the LC for the approval of stated changes to exist past the first meeting.
Respectfully signed,
Amanda M Bock, 2023-2024 Director of Development & Interim Executive President