Executive Order 25-04: Constitution & Policy Book Changes for Essential Function 

By the powers vested in me by RHA’s Governing Documents, I hereby decree the following changes to the RHA Constitution & RHA Policy Book: 

  • Change all references to Community Councils by name to Hall Councils. Thus, all councils hold equivalent description within RHA governing documentation. 
  • Update dates to an accurate description of the last proposed changes and fiscal year. 
  • Reformat Article VII pertaining to the Judicial Branch by removing the strikethrough over the text and stating how a reinstated judicial branch will operate. 
  • Clarify choppy, unclear, or overextended language to increase document readability. 
  • Adjust positional descriptions/responsibilities to be in line with Executive Board & HRL descriptions and suggestions. 
  • Fix embedded links to be in line with their descriptions. 
  • Adjust prohibited items to be in line with HRL & Georgia Tech descriptions and suggestions. 
  • Adjust budget descriptions to be in line with Executive Board & HRL descriptions and suggestions. 
  • Add reimbursement limits as instated by HRL. 
  • Adjust receipt submission deadlines to be in line with Executive Board & HRL descriptions and suggestions. 

All changes to the RHA constitution will hereby apply to all of RHA’s constituents and participators. All changes to the RHA policy book, in line with HRL suggestions, will hereby apply to all RHA’s constituents and participators, excluding any policy removed via a unanimous vote of all officers of a Hall Council and their Hall Director advisor. In the event of policy exclusion, the exclusion applies solely to the voting Hall Council and its own procedure and function. 

These listed changes to the RHA constitution and RHA policy book, as per the constitution, are sustained by a unanimous vote of the RHA Executive Branch which may, by a unanimous vote, edit the Constitution and any other established Governing Documents without a vote of the Legislative Council to (1) resolve any spelling, grammatical, or formatting errors or (2) bring the Governing Documents in line with higher ranking department, Institute, state, or federal policy that supersedes RHA policy. 

Respectfully signed, 

Ethan Morlu, 2024-2025 Executive President