Executive Order 24-04: Fall Event Planning Committee Creation

By the powers vested in me by RHA’s Governing Documents, I hereby create a committee with the following attributes:

Name – Fall Event Planning Committee

Committee Chair – Parker Green

Members – Amanda Bock, Samuel Eichner, Jessica Keith, Avalyn Mullikin, and whoever takes over as Director of Programming

Purpose – In order to properly transition to and train a new Director of Programming, the Executive Board is taking over Fall Event Planning, as these events have already been planned and have begun to be executed.

Duration – This committee shall exist from the time I am sworn in until the end of the Fall semester.

Powers – As Interim Director of Programming, I grant my powers to this committee. This means that I grant my responsibilities and choices that come from those responsibilities. As Chair, I will remain as the PPR for any choices made by the committee, but I will not wholly be the decision-maker. Once a time in which there exists a Director of Programming, they will retain the choice to grant their powers to the committee, but these powers are only those that are applicable for the Fall Semester. In such a time in which the new DOP grants those powers, I will still remain as the PPR for the Fall Events.

Respectfully signed,

Parker H Green, 2023-2024 Executive President & Interim Director of Programming

Executive Order 24-03: Constitution & Policy Book Changes for Essential Function

By the powers vested in me by RHA’s Governing Documents, I hereby decree the following changes to the RHA Constitution & RHA Policy Book:

  • Change all references to Hall Councils by name to Community Councils. Thus, all councils hold equivalent description within RHA governing documentation.
  • Update dates to an accurate description of the last proposed changes and fiscal year.
  • Adjust goal/strategy descriptions to be in line with HRL descriptions and suggestions.
  • Remove the need for the Judicial Branch, but retain the possibility of its reinstation.
  • Change the description of Community Councils to match their nature and intended purpose in line with HRL descriptions and suggestions.
  • Adjust the description of Legislative Council (LC) to better represent its purpose in line with HRL descriptions and suggestions.
  • Clarify choppy, unclear, or overextended language to increase document readability.
  • Adjust procedural timings for last-in-academic-year meetings to allow for smooth completion and transition of new and old business within said meetings.
  • Adjust Positional Descriptions/Responsibilities to be in line with HRL descriptions and suggestions.
  • Make optional the presence of RHA within elections of councils.
  • Fix embedded links to be in line with their descriptions.
  • Remove redundant information and add necessary information.
  • Adjust Bill Types to fit within the reach of the organization.
  • Adjust processes to be in line with HRL descriptions and suggestions.
  • Remove RSO involvement within LC.
  • Change budget descriptions to be in line with Executive Board & HRL descriptions and suggestions.
  • Update outdated information.
  • Remove restrictions based on past Executive Board control and realign to HRL descriptions and suggestions.
  • Increase communication between Executive Board & Community Councils when interaction is beneficial.

All changes to the RHA constitution will hereby apply to all of RHA’s constituents and participators. All changes to the RHA policy book, in line with HRL suggestions, will hereby apply to all of RHA’s constituents and participators, excluding any policy removed via a unanimous vote of all officers of a Community Council and their Hall Director advisor. In the event of policy exclusion, the exclusion applies solely to the voting Community Council and its own procedure and function.

All changes to the RHA constitution and RHA policy book, as per the constitution, will require a three-quarters vote of the LC for the approval of stated changes to exist past the first meeting.

Respectfully signed,

Amanda M Bock, 2023-2024 Director of Development & Interim Executive President

Executive Order 24-02: Executive Cabinet Appointment

By the powers vested in me by RHA’s Governing Documents, I hereby appoint the following individuals to serve in the following positions in RHA’s Executive Cabinet for the FY24 year:

  • Auditor: Ethan Morlu
  • Visual Media Manager: Micah Washington
  • Resource Room Manager: Ethan Radulski

Respectfully signed,

Parker Green, 2023-2024 Executive President & Director of Programming

Executive Order 24-01: Nullification of Previous Executive Orders

By the powers vested in me by RHA’s Governing Documents, I hereby nullify any and all active Executive Orders that still stand from previous administrations. That is, any Executive Orders written prior to Executive Order 24-01 are nullified, and only Executive Orders from the FY24 RHA year still stand.

Respectfully signed,

Amanda M Bock, 2023-2024 Director of Development & Interim Executive President

Executive Order 22-04: Nullification of Previous Executive Orders

By the powers vested in me by RHA’s Governing Documents, I hereby nullify any and all active Executive Orders that still stand from previous administrations. That is, any Executive Orders written prior to Executive Order 22-01 are nullified, and only Executive Orders from the FY22 RHA year still stand.

Respectfully signed,

Bryan M. Gomez, 2021-2022 Executive President

Executive Order 22-03: Executive Cabinet Appointment

By the powers vested in me by RHA’s Governing Documents, I hereby appoint the following individuals to serve in the following positions in RHA’s Executive Cabinet for the FY22 year:

  • Auditor: Melissa Lucht
  • Visual Media Manager I: Jason Sodikin
  • Visual Media Manager II: Raghav Grover
  • IT Coordinator: Ananth Kumar
  • Resource Room Manager: Ivy Uzoka

Respectfully signed,

Bryan M. Gomez, 2021-2022 Executive President

Executive Order 22-02: Interim DOP Appointment

Last Monday, I announced the resignation of RHA’s elected Director of Programming and explained the need for an emergency application and appointment process to fill the new vacancy. I’m excited to announce that the first round of the search process—an internal search—yielded four qualified applicants for the position. Following careful consideration of each candidate’s application, resume, qualifications, commitments, and energy for the position, I’m pleased to announce that a further search is not needed and Gabe Gauderman will serve as RHA’s Interim Director of Programming, effective immediately, until the first Legislative Council session of the Fall 2021 semester.

Gabe has previously served with RHA as a Hall Council Officer in the Third Street community during the 2020 – 2021 academic year and has a demonstrated history of achievement and excellence in the residential landscape. The recipient of this past year’s Meetings Coordinator of the Year award and leader of the Hall Council of the Year, Gabe has engaged in nearly every facet of RHA and contributed immensely to developing the residential student experience in his community. Both outside and inside RHA, he planned 18 events during his first year at Georgia Tech and has worked first-hand with RHA’s Permanent Improvement process, which the Director of Programming currently oversees. Gabe understands the scope of the organization and, I’m confident, will be able to meaningfully contribute to not just his roles and responsibilities as Director of Programming but also the larger development and success of the organization. A great resource for running successful and engaging meetings, planning events, building community, advertising initiatives, engaging residents in submitting bills and attending Hall Council, pursuing large-scale projects for his residence halls, and collaborating with diverse groups across campus, Gabe Gauderman will be a great addition to our team.

When it comes time to do so, I hope that the Legislative Branch will support this decision emphatically. I’ve made this decision with the support and advice of the rest of the Executive Board and believe that this is the best decision for the protection and successful operation of the organization.

Respectfully signed,

Bryan M. Gomez, 2021-2022 Executive President

Executive Order 22-01: DOP Vacancy and Appointment Process

On April 26, 2021, RHA’s elected Director of Programming (DOP), Maria Costa, amicably resigned from her position for personal and medical reasons. Because RHA’s Legislative Council is not currently in session—and won’t be until Fall 2021—and per Article VIII, Section C of the organization’s Constitution, I, as the Executive President of the organization, have the authority to appoint an eligible candidate as an interim officer to fill the vacancy of the Director of Programming position.

Until an interim is appointed, I shall fulfill all duties and responsibilities of the position. Once an interim is appointed, they will remain in the position until the first Legislative Council meeting of the Fall 2021 semester, which is tentatively scheduled for September 2021, during which elections for the position will be held and the Legislative Council will formally elect a successor to the position. It is my intent to appoint an interim who fully plans on and will commit to serving in the elected Director of Programming position for the entire 2021-2022 term, in addition to their role as an interim DOP.

Although, come Fall, the Legislative Council will formally and constitutionally have the right to elect a new successor to the position—different from the interim officer appointed—I strongly recommend and encourage that the Legislative Council treat the election as a confirmation, formally electing the candidate who was appointed as an interim and not another candidate who may run for the position. The situation that is before us—of a vacancy that must be filled by appointment while Legislative Council is out of session for at least four months—is unprecedented, and the organization will benefit from as little turnover as possible. Over the next four months, the interim Director of Programming that I appoint will receive comprehensive training, contribute hundreds of hours to the organization, and begin planning campus-wide programming for the entire 2021-2022 academic year. By the time elections are held in Fall 2021, it is my belief that there will be no better candidate for the position than the interim officer that has been appointed.

To fill the vacancy for the Director of Programming position, I will conduct an internal search for a successor candidate starting Monday, April 26, 2021. This internal search will last no longer than a week; if, after one week, an internal search has not yielded an adequate interim, I will begin an external, resident-wide search for a successor starting Monday, May 3. This external search is to last, at most, two weeks. If, by Monday, May 17, an adequate successor has not been identified, the search for an interim will be called off, and the position will remain vacant until further notice, with the Executive President fulfilling all duties and responsibilities of the position until election proceedings can resume, per the normal methods, once Legislative Council is back in session.

Respectfully signed,

Bryan M. Gomez, 2021-2022 Executive President