Hall Councils

Hall Councils

Hall Council Application is now open!

Complete the HCO Application to apply for the Hall Council for the 2024-2025 Academic Year. For a general timeline of the application process, review the HC Recruitment Processes.

What is Hall Council?

It’s simple: our Hall Councils are the heart of community in on-campus residence halls and the core of our organization. When the event idea you had and shared with Hall Council Officers comes to light a few weeks later and engages an entire floor or when the board game you knew would make your floor lounge better finally arrives after passing a bill for one, that’s Hall Council working at full capacity.

A Hall Council is one of 15 groups within RHA that operates within one of a few residential communities across campus. Hall Councils are responsible for planning events for their communities, providing opportunities for residents to provide input on how their Hall Council’s semesterly budget is spent, and advocating for residents. As part of our organization’s Legislative Branch, Hall Councils host weekly meetings to pass legislation through bills that affects their residents. In a typical year, our Hall Councils work with RAs and Hall Directors to plan over 10 events and activities for their communities, pass and fund over 100 bills—each providing funding for other residents and RAs to host additional events for residents—and introduce hundreds of residents to one another.


If you live on campus, you’re part of a Hall Council, and you have a vote and say in how your community functions over the next year. Do you think your floor should have a weekly ice cream social? Want the Department of Housing and Residence Life to know that your entire building supports the implementation of a new sustainability initiative in residence halls? Think that you should have a field day between neighboring residence halls to determine which building is supreme? Hall Council is the place to start doing all of those things.


How does Hall Council business work?

One of Hall Council’s main operations is to facilitate business through resident-submitted bills. If you are looking for funding for an event you want to host, an initiative you want to start, or if you are looking to make a statement on behalf of your hall, you’ll want to submit a bill! In your bill, you will include details on what your idea is, what you might want to spend money on, and how it will benefit your residential community. Ask your RA or Hall Director how bills are submitted in your community! This bill will then be reviewed and likely placed on the agenda for your next Hall Council meeting, as long as it meets bill eligibility requirements. You’ll want to attend your next Hall Council meeting to be given a chance to talk through your bill with your fellow residents and give them a chance to vote on it. Should the bill pass at the Hall Council meeting, you can then take action by hosting the event, making the purchases, etc. If you were approved to spend Hall Council money, the last step of the process is to submit your receipts to RHA so that we can reimburse you. If you are not comfortable spending your own money, reach out to your Hall Director about them using a P-card purchase. While these must be done in advance, they are an easy way to host an event without spending your own money!

While the process can look like a lot when first starting, your Hall Council Officers, RAs, and Hall Directors are more than happy to help you submit a bill to Hall Council!


Our Hall Council Officers

Hall Council Officers, or HCOs, make Hall Councils possible—they’re on the ground, in our residence halls, building community on a daily basis. Each Hall Council has at least four coordinators: a Meetings Coordinator, Communications Coordinator, Finance Coordinator, and an Events Coordinator. While each Coordinator has specific duties related to the core operations of their Hall Council and specific to their unique role, the whole Coordinating Board works together as a team to collectively enhance their community’s residential student experience. Each Hall Council will be advised by their respective Hall Director. These officers are elected annually in the fall and serve through the end of the spring semester.

SPECIAL NOTE: Each Hall Council has the autonomy to elect Building Representatives based on specialized needs within each community.

Meetings Coordinator
  • Oversee all Hall Council and Coordinating Board meetings as a whole
  • Oversee and encourage Hall Council bill submission for your community
  • Prepare Council and Coordinating Board meeting agendas
  • Supervise other Hall Council Officers to ensure smooth collaboration as a team
  • Perform other duties as specified by the Coordinating Board or Hall Council 
Communications Coordinator
  • Communicate with residents, RAs, and professional staff about Council happenings
  • Assist the Meetings Coordinator as needed 
  • Manage Council social media and print media
  • Record and distribute minutes during Council and Coordinating Board meetings
  • Attend Biweekly LC and report back on happenings to the residents and council (Legislative Council)
  • Perform other duties as specified by the Coordinating Board or Hall Council 
Finance Coordinator
  • Manage the Council’s budget, advising the community on appropriate spending
  • Communicate the status of the accounts held by the Council to the Coordinating Board and Council at all meetings
  • Oversee reimbursement paperwork processing for you community, assisting residents, RAs, and others to submit accurate paperwork
  • Perform other duties as specified by the Coordinating Board or Council 
Events Coordinator
  • Hold ultimate responsibility for all programs and events held by the Council 
  • Plan and coordinate, along with the Coordinating Board, events and initiatives that further the purpose of the Council 
  • Collaborate with other Councils and Resident Assistants for events
  • Perform other duties as specified by the Coordinating Board or Council 
Building Representative
  • Post flyers and materials in their respective building/floor 
  • Send feedback from their respective floor/hall to Council meetings 
  • Encouraged to host a building/floor specific event or an event that sparks friendly competition between floors/buildings
  • Encourage building/floor to attend Council meetings (Ex: knocking on doors) 

Find Your Hall Council

Use the dropdown tabs below to find information on each of our 15 Hall Councils. Each tab includes Hall Council meeting times, locations, Hall Council Officer contact information, and building composition.

Bobby Dodd
Smith, Brown, Harris

Meeting Time: Fridays 1p

Meeting Location: Brittain Rec Classroom

Meetings CoordinatorKirtan Patel📧
Communications CoordinatorBen Chamberlin📧
Finance CoordinatorNishant Das📧
Events CoordinatorAnkit Bhattarai📧
Advisor/HDO Aguado📧

Howell, Cloudman, Harrison

Meeting Time: Tuesdays 8p

Meeting Location: Howell Lounge

Meetings CoordinatorAlex Chen📧
Communications CoordinatorAditya Chickmath📧
Finance CoordinatorMichael Wells📧
Events CoordinatorKareena Mehta📧
Advisor/HDAaron Maize📧

Towers, Hanson

Meeting Time: TBD

Meeting Location: GT Upper Connector

Meetings CoordinatorTerron McRae📧
Communications CoordinatorLucas Pozzobon📧
Finance CoordinatorViktor Snapp📧
Events CoordinatorCharlie Rivers📧
Advisor/HDCrystal Hodge📧

Burger Bowl
Fitten, Freeman, Montag

Meeting Time: Thursdays 9p

Meeting Location: Montag Learning Center

Meetings CoordinatorRomil Mehta📧
Communications CoordinatorAllison Cheng📧
Finance CoordinatorMahima Puduvalli📧
Events CoordinatorRix Lawler📧
Advisor/HDTaylor Bailey📧

Hefner, Armstrong, Fulmer

Meeting Time: Mondays 7p

Meeting Location: Hefner Classroom

Meetings CoordinatorAnanya Pophali📧
Communications CoordinatorArhaan Desai📧
Finance CoordinatorDaanish Mehra📧
Events CoordinatorSai Prakash📧
Advisor/HDChat Humphrey📧

Eighth Street
Eighth Street West, Eighth Street East, Eighth Street South

Meeting Time: Tuesdays 7p

Meeting Location: Eighth Street West Lobby

Meetings CoordinatorAnaiia Carter📧
Communications CoordinatorSofia Said📧
Finance CoordinatorNavya Bharath Shankar📧
Events CoordinatorKeziah Nimo📧
Advisor/HDJacarius Brown📧

Grad & Fam
Graduate Living Center, 10th & Home A-G

Meeting Time: Wednesdays 8p

Meeting Location: GLC Activity Room

Meetings CoordinatorKoan Yeng📧
Communications CoordinatorYoungjin Kwon📧
Finance CoordinatorJohn Yang📧
Events CoordinatorAng Andre📧
Advisor/HDSebastian Moreno📧

Crecine, Center Street North, Center Street South

Meeting Time: Tuesdays 7p

Meeting Location: Crecine Lounge

Meetings CoordinatorIris Song📧
Communications CoordinatorKim Thai📧
Finance CoordinatorAjay Taduri📧
Events CoordinatorNaann Shoa📧
Advisor/HDKris Ledford📧

North Avenue
North Avenue East, North Avenue West, North Avenue North, North Avenue South

Meeting Time: Thursdays 8:30p

Meeting Location: Rambling Wreck Room

Meetings CoordinatorKatelyn Kwak📧
Communications CoordinatorMichelle Rhee📧
Finance CoordinatorDewangi Tegala📧
Events CoordinatorNick Elidor📧
Building RepDewangi Tegala📧
Trinity Dibartolo📧
Madeline Greco📧
Miguel Aronategui Gonzalez📧
Advisor/HDElita Rushin📧

Nelson Shell
Nelson Shell

Meeting Time: Mondays 7p

Meeting Location: NSL Activity Room

Meetings Coordinatorvacant
Communications CoordinatorPaul Pelkowski📧
Finance CoordinatorDJ Harrington📧
Events CoordinatorKayla Vallere📧
Advisor/HDAna Mendes📧

Maulding, Zbar

Meeting Time: Mondays 7:45p

Meeting Location: Maulding Activity Room

Meetings CoordinatorIvy Li📧
Communications CoordinatorDavid Elman📧
Finance CoordinatorIrene Kim📧
Events CoordinatorMaryam Kassem📧
Advisor/HDJay Griffin📧

Matheson, Perry, Field, Gray, Hayes, Goldin, Stein

Meeting Time: TBD

Meeting Location: GT Upper Connector

Meetings CoordinatorImani Mooketsane📧
Communications CoordinatorVacant
Finance CoordinatorLuke Erbey📧
Events CoordinatorWill Stewart📧
Advisor/HDAnnala Burno📧

Third Street
Glenn, Hopkins

Meeting Time: Mondays 5p

Meeting Location: GT Connector

Meetings CoordinatorMilo Karnes📧
Communications CoordinatorSrinidhi Satluri📧
Finance CoordinatorCorbin Greene📧
Events CoordinatorOlivia Stegos📧
Advisor/HDLex Baker📧

West Village
Folk, Caldwell

Meeting Time: Tuesdays 9p

Meeting Location: Caldwell Basement

Meetings CoordinatorSisi Elsissi📧
Communications CoordinatorNehal Singhal📧
Finance CoordinatorDaniel Hwang📧
Events CoordinatorAvila Ang📧
Advisor/HDChrissy Pace📧

Woodruff North, Woodruff South

Meeting Time: Thursdays 8p

Meeting Location: Woodruff South First Floor Lobby

Meetings CoordinatorAnya Ellis📧
Communications CoordinatorJayson Spradling📧
Finance CoordinatorJulia Taylor📧
Events CoordinatorMichael Abraham📧
Advisor/HDAlexis Herrington📧