The Waitlist STILL Sucks!

Listen to the audio version here. Pink eye. A car hitting a puddle and soaking you from the waist down. Someone eats the last Girl Scout cookie but leaves the box in the pantry. Back pain. Your car needs need a new timing belt. Feel free to add on to this list of Things That … Continue reading “The Waitlist STILL Sucks!”

Hope for the New Year

Listen to the audio version here. Happy New Year! Welcome to 2019. Over the break I was thinking about how great it was to be a kid during the holiday season: time off from school; presents; lots of sweets; and family around to spoil you. As a parent… not so much. Maybe I’m doing something … Continue reading “Hope for the New Year”

A Few Words…and a hug!

Listen to the podcast: Spreaker | Apple Podcasts | Spotify I LOVE Thanksgiving because it’s simple. The entire purpose is to bring family and friends together and provide a time to pause from our busy lives and breathe. Thanksgiving does not have the buildup of other holidays that become consumed with parties, shopping, music, and … Continue reading “A Few Words…and a hug!”

Change the Question, Turn the Table.

Editor’s Note: This post originally appeared in October 2015. “We thought we had all the answers/It was the questions we had wrong” U2, 11 O’clock Tick Tock My 4-year old daughter is very shy, but quite cute. I know I’m biased but honestly, she’s pretty darn cute. When we go out to eat or play on … Continue reading “Change the Question, Turn the Table.”

You GET To Do This!

Listen to the audio version here! A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to spend time walking around farms in South Georgia as part of a leadership program. It was fascinating to hear farmers’ perspectives on everything from supply and demand to organic growing practices; from their daily monitoring and speculation about consumer behavior … Continue reading “You GET To Do This!”