What are your admission requirements? Part II 

Our last blog was geared toward helping students applying to college keep an open mind about their choices and options, and ensure they have a solid support system around them. I am hopeful students actually read the piece and will take my advice to heart, because the only emails I received afterward were from parents.  … Continue reading “What are your admission requirements? Part II “

What you need to know about Admission Deadlines

Listen to the Q&A about this blog on the College Admission Brief podcast: Apple | Spotify | Spreaker Yes. I understand it’s summer and just hearing the word “deadline” is annoying at best. Congrats on just opening this one up. Yes. I have heard you are supposed to title articles “Top 5 Things…” or “Do’s and … Continue reading “What you need to know about Admission Deadlines”

Tell Yourself a Different (College Admission) Story

Learn more and listen to Q&A about this blog on the College Admission Brief podcast: Spreaker | Apple Podcasts | Spotify Last week I received an email entitled “Admission Fears.” The title struck me immediately, but what saddened me was it was sent from an 8th grader.  Her note was only three sentences and did … Continue reading “Tell Yourself a Different (College Admission) Story”

Mission Matters

Listen to “Mission Matters (How Mission Factors Into Admission Decisions, and Your College Search)” on Spreaker. After releasing admission decisions, there is always an immediate volley back in the week or two following from disappointed, frustrated, sad, or angry people (typically parents to be honest) who were deferred/denied/waitlisted. (While admitted families sometimes call, it’s not … Continue reading “Mission Matters”