Tag: William Sealy

William Sealy Successfully Defends PhD Dissertation

June 19, 2023 William Sealy successfully defends his dissertation entitled ‘UNDERSTANDING AND SUPPORTING DECISION MAKING IN DENIED AND DEGRADED ENVIRONMENTS’. Summary: Decision making is not guaranteed to occur in well-structured environments with per- fect information. Tasks in the research most often focus on decisions made with complete information in an unlimited time-frame, and in cases […]

IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Impact of Missing Information and Strategy on Decision Making (Best Paper Award)

Performance Decision makers frequently encounter environments without perfect information, in which factors such as the distribution of missing information and estimates of missing information significantly impact decision accuracy and speed. This work presents an experiment which modifies an environment with missing information (total information, option imbalance, cue balance) and examines user estimates of the missing […]