Science and Engineering Day 2023 – or is my honey clean?

On March 11 2023 we had an open lab during the Georgia Tech Science and Engineering day. We had a continuous stream of visitors throughout the day. We feel that it was important and fun to share what we are doing with the broad public and it was especially nice to present to kids and teenagers.

GT Graduate Students Alicia Robang and Andrew Hill are explaining how NMR can be used to detect alterations in honey during the Science and engineering Day at Georgia Tech.

Theme of our open lab was “is my honey clean”. We demonstrated that it is easy to use NMR when it comes to the detection of honey alteration through the addition of sucrose-syrup. We tested high quality honey from local bee keepers together with low-cost super-market honey. The good news: we had a limited amount samples but the only fake honey, which we found, was the one, which we faked ourselves. We still recommend that you purchase honey from local beekeepers! A special thanks goes also to beekeeper Moreen Rebeira-Leisen, who supported our activities by telling our visitors all about bees and beekeeping.

NMR spectra can be used to detect if honey was alterated by the addition of sucorse-based syrup.

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