NMRium is an entirely Web-based processing software for 1D and 2D data. It is very suitable for the quick viewing of NMR data. Just open the NMR link https://www.nmrium.org/nmrium from your webbrowser and drag the folder, containing your Bruker-NMR data into the window. You are able to zoom into your spectra to see details, and you can do simple processing steps such as integration, phase correction or baseline-corrections.

More advanced but important steps for the data processing such as apodization functions (line-broadening) can also be performed but the only means to perform a simple exponential line-broadening was to delete the sub-folder “pdata” from the original folder containing Bruker data and then reloading the data with another drag and drop. In this case NMRium will display you the FID and the menu-icons on the left will allow you to interactively set the apodization function, which must be followed by clicking the icon for the Fourier-Transformation.