when to wear gloves?

I see a lot of people wearing laboratory gloves while typing on the keyboard operating the NMR spectrometer.

This appears to be a good thing – why not be super-careful and wear gloves routinely in a lab environment or when touching something which comes out of a lab environement?

But keep in mind – while you protect yourself you might also be transferring toxic residues to places, which are touched by other people, for instance a computer keyboard.

Therefore, pls do not wear gloves while operating the NMR console. If you feel that you have to wear gloves (for instance due to an allergy), please change to a fresh pair prior to typing on the keyboard.

Topspin command “serial”

I have often run into the scenario that I am comparing a series of NMR spectra, which all need to be processed exactly the same way. Changing one processing parameter – for instance the line broadening “lb” – will then require reprocessing of all spectra.

This tedious task can easily be automated using the little known topspin-command “serial”. This command opens a menu, where you specify the list of spectra of interest (i) and define a command or au program for the processing (ii).

Welcome to Professor McShan

Welcome to Andrew McShan, new Assistant Professor in the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Georgia Tech. Andrew is expert in protein NMR and they have already started setting up a library of NMR experiments for the characterization of proteins on our 800 MHz instrument. This library will become available to all of our users.

Pls check Andrew’s new website at: http://mcshanlab.com/