NHnoe setup note on B800 with TP3.5pl5:

  1. Use hsqcnoef3gpsi3d sequence.
  2. Make sure that D1 >= 3s; NBL = 1, (it’s different from T1/T2 setting!), FnMODE in F1 using QF; TD1 = 2; and ZGOPTNS using “-DLABEL_CN” if measuring C13/N15 double labeled sample; and ZG.
  3. After finished, under the current expt. dataset, type “r23” command to extract 2 raw 2D data planes with new expt. number, the first plane is the NOnoe, and the second one is the NHnoe, and when processing both spectra with nmrPipe, make sure to use the same parameters.


  1. If use hsqcnoef3gpsi sequence, make sure that D1>= 3s, and TD1 should be double of your expected setting numbers,
  2. When expt. finished, under the current expt. dataset, type “split” command to split 2 raw 2D data sets with new expt. number, the first dataset is the NOnoe, and the second one is the NHnoe.
  3. Do in the same way for corresponding trosy version sequences: either trnoef3gpsi3d or trnoef3gpsi.

Hongwei edited on 8/10/2023