steps for new users

Every researcher at the Georgia Institute of Technology can request access to the NMR center. After training you will be allowed to independently operate our instruments. However, in order to do so some administrative steps are required:

(1) Download the new user form here

NMR User Request Form 2023

-Your financial administrator will provide you with Workday No. and Doc. ID.

-The form must be signed by your PI.

-Scan the filled form and save it as PDF-file.

(2) Set Up SUMS

The operation of the NMR center (charges and instrument sign up) is managed through the Shared User Management System (SUMS).

(A ) You must be part of a billing group.

If you have never used SUMS you are likely not member of a billing group.

To become member of a billing group:

go to www. and log in with your GT credentials.

Select: Billing groups -> Billing Group Lists -> select your billing group -> request access

This request needs to be approved by your financial administrator.

(B) A Workday Number MUST be associated with the membership in your Billing Group (THIS IS A REQUIRED STEP)

This must be done by your  financial administrator. Instructions are below:
 Your billing group admin who has either “modify settings” or “view financial” with that billing group log into SUMS and go to their billing group pageClick on the “Bill” tab and then the Associated WorkDay Numbers” tabAt the top of this section is an “Add WorkDay Number” button.  By clicking on this button the admin can add as many WorkDay # and Doc Id pairs as they want.  Each pair can be available to anyone within the billing group, or a specific researcher.  Note the Doc ID is a number/letter combination selected by the billing group.  After the WorkDay number pair(s) have been entered the admin can scroll down to the list of current billing group members.  This table displays each researcher along with their currently associated WorkDay numberNext to each researchers name they can select the WorkDay number to be associated with this researcher and then click on the “Set Default #’s” button.  The table will update to show that the WorkDay number has been associated with this researcher.

(3) fill out the form below – you need to upload the scanned NMR user form. 

new user sign-up
The billing group has been associated with a workday No. (we will only train you if this step is completed) *
upload of the NMR user form (pdf) - must be signed by PI

Maximum file size: 52.22MB

PI signature *
I would like to request training for:

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(4) make an appointment for NMR training 

e-mail Dr. Hongwei Wu ( for solution NMR training.

e-mail Dr. Leisen ( for solid-state NMR, Diffusion NMR (DOSY),                            NMR microscopy, MRI and more.

Sometimes we are quite busy, so pls feel free to send us a friendly reminder if we do not get back to you within 3 business days.