Bruker AVIII-HD 500 (solid-state and solution NMR)

Available Probes:
500 MHz HX MAS probe for 3.2 mm o.d. rotors reaching MAS speeds up to 24 kHz. Tuning range 19F – 1H and 15N – 13P. Variable temperature from -30 to 80 °C.
500 MHz E-free HCN triple resonance MAS probe for 3.2 mm o.d. rotors reaching MAS speeds up to 24 kHz. Variable temperature from -80 to 80 °C.
500 MHz HR-MAS probe with lock channel and Z-gradient.
5mm broad band probe for the direct observation of 1H, 19F and 109Ag – 31P with actively shielded Z gradients and automatic tuning and matching.
Main Applications:
*solid-state NMR of biomolecules
*solid-state of inorganic molecules
* if not reserved for solid-state NMR experiments the instrument is available for solution NMR.