National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH)
White and Gold Chapter
What is NRHH?
National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) is a leadership-based honorary comprised of exemplary residential students who value recognition and service. NRHH recognizes leadership and promotes community through service among residents. NRHH holds monthly programs and events, recognizes people and programs through “Of the Months” (OTMS), and assists On Campus Marketing (OCM) to provide care packages for students throughout the year. NRHH is a branch of NACURH Inc., and a sister branch of RHA with 13 current members and 2 lifelong (graduated) members. The Georgia Tech NRHH constitution can be found here: WG-NRHH-Constitution. Contact us at or !
Chapter Goals
The chapter goals of NRHH is to spread awareness of and recognize individuals and organizations that provide service to Georgia Tech and the residential community. NRHH selects quality OTMs each month to send to the regional level. Our goal is to have 20 OTMs written per semester as well as three regional winners and one national winner selected this year. Another one of our goals is to hold events and programs that help to boost the morale of our community. Our past events include Cookies and Compliments, Toys for Pups, Thank You Notes for Maintenance Staff, Student Staff Member Appreciation Week, and GT Unite. We plan on holding one virtual service/program per month.
Meet the Executive Board
The NRHH Executive Board oversees the day-to-day operations of the organization, spearheads recognition and service efforts, and helps recruit new members to the organization.

Joshua Jones

May Kalnik
Vice President of Recruitment

Larry T. Brown

Marc Banda
Vice President of Administration

Avalyn Mullikin
Vice President of Service

Amanda Bock
Vice President of Recognition

Join Us!
We are looking to induct new residents into NRHH! Residents must meet the following requirements to be eligible:
- Have completed at least one academic semester at Georgia Tech
- Are currently living in and have lived in a Georgia Tech residence hall for at least one academic term
- Be in Good Academic and Disciplinary Standing with the Institute
- Have made a positive contribution to the residence hall system
We cap our total membership at 1% of the total residential population, so we’re looking for outstanding residents. Interested residents can fill out the NRHH Application Form. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, but we only host one induction ceremony each semester. If you know someone who would be a good fit for NRHH and want to nominate them for the organization. please fill out our NRHH Nomination Form.
Candidate applications and eligibility will be reviewed. Those selected to become on-campus members will be eligible for full membership via an Induction Ceremony. The induction is mandatory to be awarded all rights and privileges of the honorary.
What are OTMs?
OTMs are more formally known as “Of the Months.” They are used to recognize outstanding students, advisors, and programs all over campus. Anyone can submit an OTM to nominate RAs, coworkers, facilities staff, residents, Hall Council Officers, Programs, and more! OTMs are due on the fifth of every month at 11 p.m. for the month prior. If your OTM is selected as a campus winner, it has the chance to be considered on the regional and national levels. OTMs can be submitted here (you will need to create a new account).
What Makes a Good OTM?
- Correct category: If it’s in the wrong category, it can’t win!
- Month-specific: the accomplishment or event took place in the month of nomination
- Outstanding: The achievements go beyond the general call of duty
- Quality and Word Count: gives as many details as possible and many specific examples; is grammatically correct; as close to the 600-word maximum as possible
- Uniqueness and Impact: The accomplishment had far-reaching effects and was creative
OTM Flowchart

Submit an OTM!

OTM Writing Guide