Listen to “Episode 16: Application Tips for Activities and Leadership – Rick Clark” on Spreaker. Earlier this week, The Common Application sent out an email indicating 166,948 students have created an account to start the process of applying to college this year. If you are a senior working on your application, you will find the […]
What I Do and Do Not Know…
Listen to “Episode 11: What I Do & Do Not Know – Rick Clark” on Spreaker. Each of the last seven Wednesdays at 2:45 p.m., we’ve held a full-staff meeting. While smaller teams are also meeting at other points, this is our weekly chance to all be “together.” As our time sheltering in place has […]
Run YOUR Race
I went for a run in the woods the other day. I do that a lot this time of year. Last weekend it was a 15-mile trail race in North Georgia. In early December, I’ll go 19 miles through the rolling pines near Warm Springs, GA, where FDR famously spent time. Late fall and winter […]
Just Get Started
This week we welcome Communications Manager of Strategy and Enrollment Planning (and former Assistant Director of Admission) Becky Tankersley back to the blog. Welcome, Becky! Last week I chatted with the mom of a high school senior. She shared how her son came home in a flurry at 4 p.m. the Friday before fall break, […]
Time To Make The Donuts
We don’t watch a lot of TV in our house. In fact, until recently we only had Amazon and Netflix. But as big soccer fans we broke down earlier this summer and got a few cable channels so we could watch the Women’s World Cup. Now with college football upon us we (okay, I…) decided […]