Category: Admission Process

Admission Mystery: Follow the Clues

Listen to the audio version here. My friend and colleague Brennan Barnard recently wrote an incredibly insightful, heartfelt, and encouraging letter to students in Forbes. I hope you will read it. His conclusion really stuck with me: “I hope you are ready because you are bound for an amazing college experience filled with opportunities to learn, […]

A (Fox) Worthy Approach to College

Editor’s Note: This post originally appeared in January 2016. When asked to name some of the greatest minds in history, many would respond with Plato, DaVinci, Descartes, or Tesla. Certainly there would be controversy in assembling such a list, and ordering would be nearly impossible.. However, when it comes to establishing a clear front-runner today, […]

Say It Again!

Last November we made a plan for the blog. We looked out at the spring and created a log. To various staff we assigned certain weeks. We wondered how to improve–what are the necessary tweaks? That’s when we realized we really need you To tell us how to be helpful, encouraging, and true We really […]

Handling That Moment

Listen to “Episode 28: Handling That Moment (Receiving a Denial) – Rick Clark” on Spreaker. After the Preparation Day blog last week, I got some very positive and encouraging notes. I also got this one, “Sure. It’s easy to write about the kids who still have a chance, but what about those who are denied?” […]