Category: College Decision

Be Cool.

Listen to the audio version of this blog on the College Admission Brief podcast: Apple | Spotify | Spreaker I am not a big fan of having internet access on flights because it is a huge temptation for me to do work in the air. So one of my new year’s resolutions is  to stop getting Wi-Fi […]

Ask The Same Questions, again and again…

If you have ever been to Chick-Fil-A, you know their staff will always respond to your thanks with “My pleasure.”  Customer: “Thank you for the ketchup.” Staffer: “My pleasure.” Customer: “Thank you for the lemonade.” Staffer: “My pleasure.” Customer: “Thanks for the sandwich.” Staffer: “My pleasure.” I once tried saying, “Thanks for saying ‘my pleasure,’” and received […]

Do Something New

Keeping it simple. Sort of… My wife and I had a one-present Christmas, as in, one gift only to exchange. “Let’s keep it simple.” But while one present should be easy, it also adds some pressure. Do you go functional? Something she’s asked for to show I am listening? Or is that predictable and boring? […]

Lessons from the Election

Note: Next week we will get back to talking about fantasy football. But for now we’re calling an audible and saying it’s halftime, because it’s important we deal in reality. And the reality is the last week has been terrible. (How’s that for an intro?) The dramatic election Tuesday was followed by turbulence and fall out on […]

The Rankings, meh….

Fall has arrived (well, almost). And with it comes college football. I have a friend who used to pick the best Saturday each year (in terms of match-ups) and invite a bunch of guys to his house. This was proudly coined the “Sit A–athon.” You accrued points by consuming food and drinks, but lost points by getting […]