Category: Managing Stress

Beyond the Numbers: How Test Scores Are Used in Admission

This week we welcome Senior Assistant Director for International Admission, Sara Riggs, to the blog. Welcome, Sara! I have a bad habit of misplacing my driver’s license. Usually, I request a replacement online. However, when I recently stashed it in a hiking bag or airport-designated travel pouch (or wherever licenses go to disappear), the impending […]

Deferred Admission: What You Need to Know

This week we welcome Assistant Director of Admission, Ashley Brookshire, to the blog. Welcome, Ashley! If you were with us for last month’s blog, then hopefully you are aware of (and perhaps even embracing?) the gray-area that is college admission. In keeping with that theme, let’s venture to a topic that some of you may […]

A Winter Break Survival Kit: A Guide to Holiday Conversations about Your College Search

I am the mom of an 8-year-old child. Recently I was speaking with a new potential babysitter who had come over for a get-to-know-my-kid playdate, and we were making small talk over Legos. I knew she was a senior in high school. I almost – almost – asked where she was applying to college and […]

Preparing Your College Application: You Are Asking the Wrong Questions 

I recently worked seven days in a row with six of those days boasting some very large college fairs. You can find some of my thoughts about college fairs here and I have more thoughts on that topic in a part 2 coming next spring.   Notable fair moments included fairs so hot my glasses fogged […]

A View from the Trashcan: Navigating College Fairs, Part 1

I am not going to tell you how many college fairs I have attended in my 17 years in admission, but let’s put the over/under at A LOT. Why title this “a view from the trashcan”? I have not always worked for a college that begins with the letter G, which currently puts me in […]