Category: Senior

Time to Shine

This week we welcome Regional Director of Admission for the Mid Atlantic, Kathleen Voss, to the blog. Welcome, Kathleen! Do you remember the episode of Modern Family when Phil and Claire drop Haley off at college?  They are OVER the top all day, even wearing “Haley Dunphy Moving Company” t-shirts. Haley is mortified and begs […]

Top 5 HS Graduation Messages for Class of ’22, ICYMI…

Listen to Q&A about this blog on the College Admission Brief podcast: Spreaker | Apple Podcasts | Spotify Over the last two weeks, I’ve attended graduation parties, met with a few seniors about their summer and fall plans, and both attended and spoken at high school graduation ceremonies. I also know, or have heard from, […]

Applying to College Isn’t Like The Movies

Listen to the Podcast: Spreaker | Spotify | Apple Podcasts This week we welcome current Admission Digital Media Student Assistant Sarah Engel to the blog. Welcome, Sarah! This admission blog has long been written by experts in application evaluation, the admission counselors themselves. But they’ve always hoped you would seek out additional voices in your college […]

How the Olympics Explain College Admission– Part 2

Listen to “How the Olympics Explain Admission – Rick Clark” on Spreaker. In Part 1, we looked at the two fundamental ways American colleges make admission decisions. Now that you know how colleges review applications, it’s time to look at three important ways you should approach your college admission experience like an Olympian.    1) Train For Event – Not The Result.  Don’t get me wrong. I love watching the actual Olympic competitions: […]