Listen to “Next Steps for Deferred Students & Behind the Scenes of Decision Release Week” on Spreaker. Recently we modified the final portion of our podcast to field listener questions from Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit. If you have something you want us to tackle, feel free to tag @gtadmission. A few recent inquiries surrounded how to prepare for the various admission decisions that will be […]
College Admission: Read, See, Discuss (…and Be Thankful)
Listen to “Episode 25: I Applied… Now What? (And More Questions From YOU!)- Rick Clark” on Spreaker. In my 11 years (and all of the months of 2020) serving as director of admission at Georgia Tech, I’ve had three assistants. Their individual personalities vary widely, but they have all been incredibly talented and deeply committed […]
The Basics of College Admission: Part 4
The last several months have led to a lot of finger pointing. The left blaming the right, and the right giving it back to the left. School administrators have been accused of being irresponsible in how they opened, or did not open, their elementary, middle, and high schools, and college presidents have certainly been the […]
Breaking Out of the “Little Boxes” in College Admission
Before we had staff living all over the country, and before we employed part-time readers to assist in file review, we had a fun tradition during reading season. Several times a week, we’d gather in my office and someone would share a funny YouTube video. This is how I was first exposed to John Mulaney, Mike Birbiglia, and this gem. […]
The Future of College Admission?
Listen to “Episode 22: The Future of College Admission? – Rick Clark” on Spreaker. Let me start by saying this: I’m no futurist. My family is quick to point out I’m wrong multiple times a day on a variety of subjects (game outcomes, how long to bake chicken, etc.) My co-workers can also enumerate many […]