This week Georgia Tech’s Vice Provost for Enrollment Services, Dr. Paul Kohn, joins us on the blog. Welcome, Dr. Kohn! If you’re a high school senior, it’s almost time to commit to the college or university you’ll be attending in the fall. As you go through this process, it may seem daunting to have multiple […]
Money Talks
Listen to the audio version here. (No…It’s not about that.) I spent some time with a good friend in Charlotte, NC last week. The first thing he said when we sat down was, “Been adulting hard lately, brother.” He went on to tell me about dealing with some incredibly tough and delicate HR issues at […]
The Waitlist STILL Sucks!
Listen to the audio version here. Pink eye. A car hitting a puddle and soaking you from the waist down. Someone eats the last Girl Scout cookie but leaves the box in the pantry. Back pain. Your car needs need a new timing belt. Feel free to add on to this list of Things That […]
Not so Fast
This week Georgia Tech’s Director of Strategy and Enrollment Planning, Matt McLendon, joins us on the blog. Welcome, Matt! One of my favorite puzzles comes from the book Thinking, Fast and Slow by economist Daniel Kahneman. The riddle is deceptively simple: “A bat and a ball cost $1.10. The bat costs one dollar more than […]
Success Isn’t Guaranteed—Try Anyway
This week Georgia Tech’s Director of Special Scholarships, Chaffee Viets, joins us on the blog. Welcome, Chaffee! Let’s start by admitting that not everyone’s experience growing up in the United States is the same. Rural, urban, and suburban life looks different, and there are certainly other differences when considering family background and other factors. Having acknowledged […]