Category: Application Advice

Rising to the Occasion

Listen to “Episode 9: Rising to the Occasion – Kathleen Voss” on Spreaker. This week we welcome Regional Director of Admission for the Mid-Atlantic, Kathleen Voss, to the blog. Welcome, Kathleen! If you have ever been in a serious car accident, you are probably familiar with the feeling. The acrid smoke from the air bags […]

Being Seen—This One is For the Juniors

This week we welcome Senior Assistant Director of Admission Katie Mattli to the blog. Welcome back, Katie! Listen to “Juniors: We See You. Episode 6- Katie Mattli” on Spreaker. As I was falling asleep last night, my head was buzzing with the conundrum of painting a picture of our campus for students in this new climate.  How […]

Navigating the Waitlist

Listen to “Episode 10: Navigating the Waitlist – Alex Thackston” on Spreaker. This week we welcome Senior Admission Counselor, Alex Thackston, to the blog. Welcome, Alex! We live in unknown times. The uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 and the effects it will have on us, our families, our society, and the world, leaves us feeling uneasy and […]

Lice (and admission) Lessons

Three years ago, I wrote a blog about my family getting lice. Here is how it went down. Cue dream sequence… My wife called to tell me some horrible news. “Our daughter has lice.” “Oh, crap.” “No. Lice. She has to leave school.” “Okay. Got it.” Since my wife works at a hospital she can’t […]

Typ0s, Repeated Words Words, and Other Signs of Humanity on Your College Application

This week we welcome Senior Admission Counselor Samantha Rose-Sinclair to the blog. Welcome, Sammy! Listen to “Typos & mistakes in college apps. Deal breakers? Episode 1: Samantha Rose-Sinclair” on Spreaker. Our twelfth president was formally installed in a ceremony called an Investiture last October. It was a powerful celebration that happens only a few times in the […]