This week we welcome Assistant Director of Admission, Danielle Foote, to the blog. Welcome, Danielle! In the college application process, there are a lot of pieces you will likely start and finish within your senior year—writing essays, gathering documents, synthesizing your resume of activities—these are just a few. However, one foundational piece of your college […]
Preparing Your College Application: You Are Asking the Wrong Questions
I recently worked seven days in a row with six of those days boasting some very large college fairs. You can find some of my thoughts about college fairs here and I have more thoughts on that topic in a part 2 coming next spring. Notable fair moments included fairs so hot my glasses fogged […]
Embracing Essay Writing AuthenTECHly
This week we welcome Senior Admission Advisor, Julissa Ortiz, to the blog. Welcome, Julissa! As the fall season approaches, I eagerly anticipate the cozy evenings ahead… bundling up with a blanket, watching my favorite movies, and preparing for the holidays. It’s my favorite time of year! But there’s something else I love about this […]
A View from the Trashcan: Navigating College Fairs, Part 1
I am not going to tell you how many college fairs I have attended in my 17 years in admission, but let’s put the over/under at A LOT. Why title this “a view from the trashcan”? I have not always worked for a college that begins with the letter G, which currently puts me in […]
Fan Favorites: Admission Blog Greatest Hits
This week we welcome Interim Executive Director of Admission, Mary Tipton Woolley, to the blog. Welcome, Mary Tipton! Over the last several years, the Georgia Tech Admission Blog has allowed us to share our knowledge and expertise with a wide audience. As loyal readers know, the main author of the blog, Rick Clark, moved into […]