Category: Institutional Fit

Is College Admission Clear-Cut?

This week we welcome Assistant Director of Admission, Ashley Brookshire, to the blog. Welcome, Ashley! I used to think a lot of things in life were pretty clear-cut. I was very confident washing your hands was clear-cut until four years ago when I learned I was doing it wrong (rest assured, dear reader, I now […]

Preparing Your College Application: You Are Asking the Wrong Questions 

I recently worked seven days in a row with six of those days boasting some very large college fairs. You can find some of my thoughts about college fairs here and I have more thoughts on that topic in a part 2 coming next spring.   Notable fair moments included fairs so hot my glasses fogged […]

Embracing Essay Writing AuthenTECHly  

This week we welcome Senior Admission Advisor, Julissa Ortiz, to the blog. Welcome, Julissa! As the fall season approaches, I eagerly anticipate the cozy evenings ahead… bundling up with a blanket, watching my favorite movies, and preparing for the holidays. It’s my favorite time of year!   But there’s something else I love about this […]

College Admission: 3 Messages You Need to Hear

Recently, our family has been watching the TV Show “Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test.” Not sure what it says about us that this is the one program we can all agree on, but that’s not what this blog is about.   In the show, former athletes, reality TV “stars,” actors, and other famous to moderately well-known […]

Let’s Get A Few Things Straight (about College Admission)

There has been a lot of talk in the last few weeks about how much has changed in college admission. Maybe…. But just like during and following the pandemic, much remains constant. So, let’s get a few things straight. College Admission is Not Fair. I know some groups may claim to have brought this about […]