Financial aid deadlines at colleges across the nation typically arrive in mid-February. When should your family start the conversation about paying for college? Is it better to have the cost conversation early on, or wait until a student has been accepted to his or her dream college?
Holistic Admission – The Struggle is Real (Part 3 of 3)
The Do’s and Don’ts of Holistic Admission I know it’s unsettling to read or hear that in holistic review there is little to no certainty. And I realize that uncertainty is one reason anxiety surrounding college admission exists. I don’t have the remedy for eradicating all stress but I do have some tips: As you […]
Holistic Admission – The Struggle is Real (Part 2 of 3)
Formula vs… well, no Formula If you are applying to Georgia Tech or schools with a similar or lower admit rate, you are being reviewed under a holistic admission process. Many of you have heard this term before but what does it really mean? Essentially, there are two types of admission review. The first is […]
“It’s Not You… it’s me.” Denied Admission– A Path to Recovery
“This is not working out.” My high school girlfriend and I were working on math homework at her house. We were trying to solve equations I hadn’t seen before (I’m sure most of you reading this would scoff at their simplicity, but it was difficult at the time). I said, “I know. But we will […]
The “D” Word
I don’t swear a lot. Occasionally, but not that often. Partly that’s because I’m not apt to losing my temper, and I also remember being told that cursing lacks creativity. That always stuck with me, and I think it’s had a lasting impact. THE ‘S’ WORD Recently, my seven year old son came home extremely upset because a neighbor kid had used […]