Category: Senior

College Admissions Magic Wand

I have been overcommitted in the last few weeks. Apparently, months ago when I agreed to these programs and presentations, I either did not realize they were all bunched together, or I forgot that April in Admissions Land is chaos.   Ironically, while the audience sizes, venue locations, and Zoom formats have varied, the closing […]

College Admission and Discipline Review

It is Spring Break week for many school systems across the country. I know this because my family headed south on I-75 this Saturday morning. Within about 3 miles on the highway we hit stop-and-go traffic. My daughter began counting the number of different state license plates (which was particularly easy at seven to nine […]

Focus on Admission

It is Saturday at 5:30 a.m. and pouring rain.    There are two ways I can view this fact:  It’s dark, windy, early, and of course… it is the weekend. Naturally, it’s been beautiful all week (while I was working and could not really enjoy the weather). I am only up because I set my […]