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  1. Pal, B.K. and V. Roshan Joseph (1998) “Developing Objective Strategies for Monitoring Multi-Input/Single-Output Chemical Process”. Quality Improvement Through Statistical Methods (Ed. Abraham, B.), Birkhauser, Boston, 151-162.
  2. Maruthi, B.N. and V. Roshan Joseph (1999) “Improving the Yield of Printed Circuit Boards Using Design of Experiments“. Quality Engineering 12, 259-265.
  3. V. Roshan Joseph (2000) “Experimental Sequence- A Decision Strategy“. Quality Engineering 12, 387-393.
  4. V. Roshan Joseph (2001) “Optimum Setting for a Parameter Operating Under Trend”. Recent Developments in Operational Research (Eds. Agarwal, M. L. and Sen, K.), Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 163-168.
  5. V. Roshan Joseph and Adya, H. (2001) “Prediction of Yield in a Multi-Product Batch Production Environment“. Quality Engineering 14, 153-159.
  6. Rao, K.G. and V. Roshan Joseph (2001) “Reduction of Testing Time of a Chemical Parameter Using Design of Experiments“. Quality Engineering 14, 299-303.
  7. V. Roshan Joseph and Wu, C. F. J. (2002) “Robust Parameter Design of Multiple Target Systems“. Technometrics 44, 338-346.
  8. V. Roshan Joseph and Wu, C. F. J. (2002) “Operating Window Experiments: A Novel Approach to Quality Improvement“. Journal of Quality Technology 34, 345-354.
  9. V. Roshan Joseph and Wu, C. F. J. (2002) “Performance Measures in Dynamic Parameter Design“. Journal of Japanese Quality Engineering Society 10, 82-86.
  10. V. Roshan Joseph (2003) “Robust Parameter Design with Feed-Forward Control”. Technometrics 45, 284-292.
  11. V. Roshan Joseph (2004) “Quality Loss Functions for Nonnegative Variables and Their Applications“. Journal of Quality Technology 36, 129-138.
  12. V. Roshan Joseph and Wu, C. F. J. (2004) “Failure Amplification Method: An Information Maximization Approach to Categorical Response Optimization” (with discussions and rejoinder). Technometrics 46, 1-31. (Jack Youden Prize).
  13. V. Roshan Joseph (2004) “Efficient Robbins-Monro Procedure for Binary Data“. Biometrika 91, 461-470.
  14. V. Roshan Joseph and Yu, I-T. (2006) “Reliability Improvement Experiments with Degradation Data“. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 55, 149-157.
  15. V. Roshan Joseph (2006) “A Bayesian Approach to the Design and Analysis of Fractionated Experiments“. Technometrics 48, 219-229.
  16. Qian, Z., Seepersad, C. C., V. Roshan Joseph, Allen, J. K., and Wu, C. F. J. (2006) “Building Surrogate Models Based on Detailed and Approximate Simulations“. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design 128, 668-677.
  17. V. Roshan Joseph (2006) “Limit Kriging“. Technometrics 48, 458-466.
  18. V. Roshan Joseph and Delaney, J. D. (2007) “Functionally Induced Priors for the Analysis of Experiments“. Technometrics 49, 1-11.
  19. V. Roshan Joseph (2007) “Taguchi’s Approach to Robust Parameter Design: A New Perspective“. IIE Transactions-Quality and Reliability Engineering 39, 805-810.
  20. V. Roshan Joseph, Tian, Y., and Wu, C. F. J. (2007) “Adaptive Designs for Stochastic Root-Finding“. Statistica Sinica 17, 1549-1565.
  21. Yuan, M., V. Roshan Joseph, and Lin, Y. (2007) “An Efficient Variable Selection Approach for Analyzing Designed Experiments“. Technometrics 49, 430-439.
  22. V. Roshan Joseph and Hung, Y. (2008) “Orthogonal-Maximin Latin Hypercube Designs“. Statistica Sinica 18, 171-186. OMLHD C++ code, READ ME; SA2008 function in R package LHD.
  23. V. Roshan Joseph. (2008) “Tolerance Design”. Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability (Eds. Ruggeri, F., Kenett, R., and Faltin, F. W.), Wiley, 2014-2019.
  24. V. Roshan Joseph and Yu, I-T. (2008) “Optimal Specifications for Degrading Characteristics“. IIE Transactions-Quality and Reliability Engineering 40, 102-108. (Best Paper Award)
  25. V. Roshan Joseph, Hung, Y., and Sudjianto, A. (2008) “Blind Kriging: A New Method for Developing Metamodels“. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design 130, 031102-1-8. R code and data, MATLAB package.
  26. Jeng, S. L., V. Roshan Joseph, and Wu, C. F. J. (2008) “Modeling and Optimization for Failure Amplification Method“. Journal of Quality Technology 40, 128-139.
  27. Dasgupta, T., Ma, C., V. Roshan Joseph, Wang, Z. L., Wu, C. F. J. (2008) “Statistical Modeling and Analysis for Robust Synthesis of Nanostructures“. Journal of the American Statistical Association 103, 594-603. data
  28. V. Roshan Joseph and Delaney, J. D. (2008) “Analysis of Optimization Experiments“. Journal of Quality Technology 40, 282-298.
  29. V. Roshan Joseph, Ai, M., and Wu, C. F. J. (2009) “Bayesian-Inspired Minimum Aberration Two- and Four-Level Designs“, Biometrika, 96, 95-106.
  30. Deng, X., V. Roshan Joseph, Sudjianto, A., and Wu, C. F. J. (2009) “Active Learning via Sequential Designs with Applications to Detecting Money Laundering”. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 104, 969-981.
  31. V. Roshan Joseph and Melkote, S. N. (2009) “Statistical Adjustments to Engineering Models“. Journal of Quality Technology, 41, 362-375. Slides of JQT invited talk at FTC 2009.
  32. Ai, M., Kang, L., and V. Roshan Joseph. (2009) “Bayesian Optimal Blocking of Factorial Designs”. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139, 3319-3328.
  33. Kang, L. and V. Roshan Joseph. (2009) “Bayesian Optimal Single Arrays for Robust Parameter Design”. Technometrics, 51, 250-261.
  34. Deng, X., V. Roshan Joseph, Mai, W., Wang, Z. L., and Wu, C. F. J. (2009) “A Statistical Approach to Quantifying Elastic Deformation of Nanomaterials”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106, 11845-11850.
  35. Hung, Y., V. Roshan Joseph, and Melkote, S. N. (2009) “Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments with Branching and Nested Factors“. Technometrics, 51, 354-365.
  36. Yuan, M., V. Roshan Joseph, and Zou, H. (2009) “Structured Variable Selection and Estimation“. Annals of Applied Statistics, 3, 1738-1757.
  37. Ozkaya, E., Keskinocak, P., V. Roshan Joseph, and Weight, R. (2010) “Estimating and Benchmarking Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) Market Rates”. Transportation Research-Part E, 46, 667-682.
  38. Song, J., Xie, H., Wu, W., V. Roshan Joseph, Wu, C. F. J., and Wang, Z. L. (2010) “Robust Optimization of the Output Voltage of Nanogenerators by Statistical Design of Experiments“. Nanoresearch 3, 613-619.
  39. Dasgupta, T., Weintraub, B., and V. Roshan Joseph. (2011) “A Physical-Statistical Model for Density Control of Nanowires”. IIE Transactions-Quality and Reliability Engineering, 43, 233-241.
  40. Yu, I.-T. and V. Roshan Joseph. (2011) “Bayesian Process Optimization Using Failure Amplification Method”. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 27, 402-409.
  41. Singh, R., V. Roshan Joseph, and Melkote, S. N. (2011) “A Statistical Approach to the Optimization of a Laser-Assisted Micromachining Process”. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 53, 221-230.
  42. Kang, L., V. Roshan Joseph, and Brenneman, W. (2011) “Design and Modeling Strategies for Mixture-of-Mixture Experiments”. Technometrics, 53, 125-136.
  43. V. Roshan Joseph and Kang, L. (2011) “Regression-Based Inverse Distance Weighting with Applications to Computer Experiments“. Technometrics, 53, 254-265.
  44. Ba, S. and V. Roshan Joseph. (2011) “Multi-Layer Designs for Computer Experiments”. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 106, 1139-1149.
  45. V. Roshan Joseph (2012) “Bayesian Computation Using Design of Experiments-Based Interpolation Technique” (with discussions and rejoinder). Technometrics, 209-242. R package: doit by Stefan Siegert.
  46. Ba, S. and V. Roshan Joseph (2012) “Composite Gaussian Process Models for Emulating Expensive Functions“. Annals of Applied Statistics, 6, 1838-1860. R package.
  47. V. Roshan Joseph (2013) “A Note on Nonnegative DoIt Approximation“. Technometrics, 55, 103-107. R package: doit by Stefan Siegert.
  48. Ba, S., Jain, N., V. Roshan Joseph, and Singh, R. K. (2013) “Integrating Analytical Models with Finite Element Models: An Application in Micromachining”. Journal of Quality Technology, 45, 200-212.
  49. Plumlee, M., Jin, R., V. Roshan Joseph, and Shi, J. (2013) “Gaussian Process Modeling for Engineered Surfaces with Applications to Si Wafer Production“. Stat, 2, 159-170.
  50. Plumlee, M., V. Roshan Joseph, and Wu, C. F. J. (2013) “Comment: Alternative Strategies for Experimental Design“. Discussion of Experimental Design for Engineering Dimensional Analysis by Albrecht et al., Technometrics, 55, 289-292.
  51. Kumar, M., Chang, C.-J., Melkote, S. N., and V. Roshan Joseph. (2013). “Modeling and Analysis of Forces in Laser Assisted Micro Milling,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 135, 041018.
  52. Xiong, S. and V. Roshan Joseph (2013) “Regression with Outlier Shrinkage“. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 143, 1988-2001.
  53. Chang, C.-J. and V. Roshan Joseph. (2014) “Model Calibration through Minimal Adjustments”. Technometrics, 56, 474-482.
  54. Hung, Y. and V. Roshan Joseph (2014). “Discussion of Three-Phase Optimal Design of Sensitivity Experiments by Wu and Tian”. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 149, 16-19.
  55. Hung, Y., V. Roshan Joseph, and Melkote, S. N. (2015) “Analysis of Computer Experiments with Functional Response“. Technometrics, 57, 35-44.
  56. V. Roshan Joseph, Dasgupta, T., Tuo, R., and Wu, C. F. J. (2015) “Sequential Exploration of Complex Surfaces Using Minimum Energy Designs“. Technometrics, 57, 64-74.
  57. V. Roshan Joseph and Yan, H. (2015) “Engineering-driven Statistical Adjustment and Calibration“. Technometrics, 57, 257-267.
  58. V. Roshan Joseph, Gul, E., and Ba, S. (2015) “Maximum Projection Designs for Computer Experiments“. Biometrika, 102, 371-380. R package: MaxPro; JMP 12.
  59. V. Roshan Joseph (2016) “Space-Filling Designs for Computer Experiments: A Review,” (with discussions and rejoinder), Quality Engineering, 28, 28-44. slides
  60. Kang, L. and V. Roshan Joseph (2016) “Kernel Approximation: From Regression to Interpolation“. Journal of Uncertainty Quantification, 4, 112-129.
  61. Plumlee, M., V. Roshan Joseph, and Yang, H. (2016) “Calibrating Functional Parameters in the Ion Channel Models of Cardiac Cells“. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 111, 500-509.
  62. Chipman, H. A. and V. Roshan Joseph (2016) “A Conversation with Jeff Wu“. Statistical Science, 31, 624-636.
  63. Plumlee, M. and V. Roshan Joseph. (2018) “Orthogonal Gaussian Process Models“. Statistica Sinica, 28, 601-619.
  64. Mak, S. and V. Roshan Joseph. (2018) “Minimax and Minimax Projection Designs Using Clustering“. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 27, 166-178. R package: minimaxdesign
  65. Mak, S., Sung, C.-L., Wang, X., Yeh, S.-T., Chang, Y. H., V. Roshan Joseph, Yang, V., Wu, C. F. J. (2018) “An efficient surrogate model of large eddy simulations for design evaluation and physics extraction“. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113, 1443-1456. arXiv. (SPES Award, 2019).
  66. Cao, F., Ba, S., Brenneman, W., and V. Roshan Joseph (2018) “Model calibration with censored data“. Technometrics, 60, 255-262.
  67. Ayer, T., Zhang, C., Zeng, C., White III, C. C., V. Roshan Joseph, Deck, M., Lee, K., Moroney, D., and Ozkaynak, Z. (2018). “American Red Cross Uses Analytics-Based Methods to Improve Blood-Collection Operations,” Interfaces, 48, 24-34. (Finalist of Franz Edelman Award Competition, 2017).
  68. Mak, S. and V. Roshan Joseph. (2018) “Support Points“. Annals of Statistics, 46, 2562-2592. R package: support.
  69. Gul, E., V. Roshan Joseph, Yan, H., and Melkote, S. N. (2018) “Uncertainty Quantification in Machining Simulations Using In Situ Emulator,” Journal of Quality Technology, 50, 253-261.
  70. Fernandez-Zelaia, P., V. Roshan Joseph, Kalidindi, S. R., and Melkote, S. N. (2018), “Estimating Mechanical Properties from Spherical Indentation using Bayesian Approaches,” Materials and Design, 147, 92-105.
  71. Ayer, T., Zhang, C., Zeng, C., White III, C. C., V. Roshan Joseph (2019), ” Analysis and Improvement of Blood Collection Operations, ” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 21, 29-46. (First Prize, MSOM Practice-based Research Competition, 2017 and INFORMS Doing Good with Good OR competition, 2015).
  72. V. Roshan Joseph, Gu, L., Ba, S., and Myers, W. R. (2019), “Space-Filling Designs for Robustness Experiments“. Technometrics, 61, 24-37. arXiv.
  73. V. Roshan Joseph, Wang, D., Gu, L., Lv, S., and Tuo, R. (2019). “Deterministic Sampling of Expensive Posteriors Using Minimum Energy Designs“. Technometrics, 61, 297-308. R package: mined.
  74. Castillo, A. R., V. Roshan Joseph, and Kalidindi, S. R. (2019). “Bayesian Sequential Design of Experiments for Extraction of Single-Crystal Material Properties from Spherical Indentation Measurements on Polycrystalline Samples“. JOM: The Journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 71, 2671-2679.
  75. Lin, L.-H. and V. Roshan Joseph. (2020). “Transformation and Additivity in Gaussian Processes“. Technometrics, 62, 525-535. R package: TAG.
  76. V. Roshan Joseph, Gul, E., and Ba, S. (2020). “Designing Computer Experiments with Multiple Types of Factors: The MaxPro Approach ,” Journal of Quality Technology, 52, 343-354. R package: MaxPro. (Lloyd S. Nelson Award). FTC 2021 webinar: video and slides.
  77. Chen, J., Mak, S., V. Roshan Joseph, and Zhang, C. (2021). “Function-on-function kriging, with applications to three-dimensional printing of aortic tissues“. Technometrics, 63, 384-395.
  78. V. Roshan Joseph and Mak, S. (2021). “Supervised Compression of Big Data“. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal, 14, 217-229. R package: supercompress.
  79. Kamal, D., Tran, H. D., Kim, C., Wang, Y., Chen, L., Cao, Y., V. Roshan Joseph, and Ramprasad, R. (2021). “Novel High-Voltage Polymer Insulators using Computational and Data-Driven Techniques“. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 154, 174906.
  80. Ren, Y., McGuinness, E., Huang, C., V. Roshan Joseph, Lively, R. P., Losego, M. D. (2021). “Reaction-Diffusion Transport Model for Predicting Inorganic Precursor Uptake and Spatial Distribution in Vapor Phase Infiltration Processes“. Chemistry of Materials, 33, 5210-5222.
  81. Huang, C., Ren, Y., McGuinness, E., Lively, R. P., Losego, M. D., and V. Roshan Joseph (2021). “Bayesian Optimization of Functional Output in Inverse Problems.” Optimization and Engineering, 22, 2553-2574. R codes.
  82. Huang, C., V. Roshan Joseph, Ray, D. M. (2021). “Constrained Minimum Energy Designs“. Statistics and Computing, 31 (6): 80. R codes.
  83. V. Roshan Joseph and Vakayil, A. (2022). “SPlit: An Optimal Method for Data Splitting“. Technometrics, 64, 166-176. R package: SPlit. (Wilcoxon Award).
  84. Chen, J., Mak, S., V. Roshan Joseph, and Zhang, C. (2022). “Adaptive Design for Gaussian Process Regression Under Censoring“. Annals of Applied Statistics, 16, 744-764.
  85. Krishna, A., V. Roshan Joseph, Ba, S., Brenneman, W. A., and Myers, W. R. (2022). “Robust Experimental Designs for Model Calibration“. Journal of Quality Technology, 54, 441-452.
  86. Huang, C., V. Roshan Joseph, Mak, S. (2022). “Population Quasi-Monte Carlo“. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 31, 695-708. arXiv. R codes.
  87. V. Roshan Joseph. (2022). “Optimal Ratio for Data Splitting“. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal, 15, 531-538. R package: SPlit.
  88. Krishna, A., Craig, S. R., Shi, C., and V. Roshan Joseph (2022). “Inverse Design of Acoustic Metasurfaces Using Space-Filling Points“. Applied Physics Letters, 121, 071701.
  89. Vakayil, A. and V. Roshan Joseph (2022). “Data Twinning“. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal, 15, 598-610. R package. Python package.
  90. Generale, A. P., Hall, R. B., Brockman, R. A., V. Roshan Joseph, Jefferson, G., Zawada, L., Pierce, J., and Kalidindi, S. R. (2022). “Bayesian calibration of continuum damage model parameters for an oxide-oxide ceramic matrix composite using inhomogeneous experimental data“. Mechanics of Materials, 175, 104487.
  91. Xiao, Q., V. Roshan Joseph, and Ray, D. M. (2023). “Maximum One-Factor-At-A-Time  Designs for Screening in Computer Experiments“. Technometrics, 65, 220-230. R package: MOFAT.
  92. Knapp, P. F., Lewis, W. E., V. Roshan Joseph, Jennings, C. A., and Glinsky, M. E. (2023). “Optimizing the configuration of plasma radiation detectors in the presence of uncertain instrument response and inadequate physics“. Journal of Plasma Physics, 89 (1), 895890101.
  93. Yuchi, H. S., V. Roshan Joseph, Wu, C. F. J. (2023). “Design and Analysis of Multi-Fidelity Finite Element Simulations“. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 145 (6), 061703.
  94. Venkataraman, A., Mohan, S., V. Roshan Joseph, McDowell, D. L., and Kalidindi, S. R. (2023). “A new framework for assessing the effect of the α-β phase boundary on crystal plasticity modeling of lamellar grains in α+β Titanium alloys”. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 31, 044001.
  95. Wang, S., Generale, A. P., Kalidindi, S. R., and V. Roshan Joseph. (2024). “Sequential Designs for Filling Output Spaces”. Technometrics, 66, 65-76. R package: OSFD.
  96. Krishna, A., Tran, H., Huang, C., Ramprasad, R., and V. Roshan Joseph. (2024). “Adaptive Exploration and Optimization of Materials Crystal Structures“. INFORMS Journal on Data Science, 3, 68-83.
  97. Vakayil, A. and V. Roshan Joseph. (2024). “A Global-Local Approximation Framework for Large-Scale Gaussian Process Modeling“. Technometrics, 66, 295-305. R package: twingp.
  98. Ji, Y., Yuchi, H. S., Soeder, D., Paquet, J.-F.,  Bass, S. A.,  V. Roshan Joseph, Wu, C. F. J., and Mak, S. (2024). “Conglomerate Multi-Fidelity Gaussian Process Modeling, with Application to Heavy-Ion Collisions “. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 12, 473-502.
  99. Jain, A., Armstrong, C., V. Roshan Joseph, Ramprasad, R., and Qi, H. J. (2024). “Machine-Guided Discovery of Acrylate Photopolymer Compositions“. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16, 17992-18000.
  100. V. Roshan Joseph (2024). “Rational Kriging”. Journal of the American Statistical Association, to appear.
  101. Zhang, H., Tanneau, M., Huang, C., V. Roshan Joseph, Wang, S., and Van Hentenryck, P. (2024). “Asset Bundling for Hierarchical Forecasting of Wind Power Generation“. Electric Power Systems Research, 235, 110771.
  102. V. Roshan Joseph (2024). “Comment: Data Fission: Splitting a Single Data Point by J. Leiner, B. Duan, L. Wasserman & A. Ramdas”. Journal of the American Statistical Association, to appear.
  103. V. Roshan Joseph, Lewis, W. E., Yuchi, H. S., and Maupin, K. A. (2024). “Discovering the Unknowns: A First Step”. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, to appear. arXiv.


  1. Mak, S. and V. Roshan Joseph. “Projected Support Points: A New Method for High-Dimensional Data Reduction”. arXiv
  2. Krishna, A., Mak, S., and V. Roshan Joseph. “Distributional Clustering: A Distribution Preserving Clustering Method”. arXiv.
  3. Barry, N., Chatzos, M., Chen, W., Han, D., Huang, C., V. Roshan Joseph, Klamkin, M., Park, S., Tanneau, M.,  Van Hentenryck, P., Wang, S., Zhang, H., Zhao, H. (2022). “Risk-Aware Control and Optimization for High-Renewable Power Grids”. arXiv.
  4. Huang, C. and V. Roshan Joseph. “Enhancing Sample Quality through Minimum Energy Importance Weights”. arXiv.
  5. Huang, C. and V. Roshan Joseph. “Factor Importance Ranking and Selection using Total Indices”. arXiv.