
* Indicates supervised student co-author.

Working Papers and Pre-Prints

  1. I. Erazo*, A. Toriello. Submodular Dispatching with Multiple Vehicles.
  2. K. Shu*, D. Cifuentes, A. Toriello. A Semidefinite Hierarchy for the Expected Independence Number of a Random Graph.
  3. M. Eom*, A. Toriello. Batching and Greedy Policies: How Good Are They in Dynamic Matching?

Published or Accepted

  1. D. Banerjee*, A. Erera, A. Toriello. On Linear Threshold Policies for Continuous-Time Dynamic Yield Management. Operations Research Letters. Forthcoming, 2025.
  2. S. Pérez-Salazar*, M. Singh, A. Toriello. The IID Prophet Inequality with Limited Flexibility. Mathematics of Operations Research. Forthcoming, 2024.
  3. I. Erazo*, A. Toriello. Optimizing the Trade-Off Between Batching and Waiting: Subadditive Dispatching. Operations Research. Forthcoming, 2024.
  4. D. Banerjee*, A. Erera, A. Toriello. Pricing and Demand Management for Integrated Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery Systems. Transportation Science. Forthcoming, 2024.
  5. S. Pérez-Salazar*, M. Singh, A. Toriello. Robust Online Selection with Uncertain Offer AcceptanceMathematics of Operations Research. Forthcoming, 2024. 
  6. M. El Tonbari*, G. Nemhauser, A. Toriello. Distributionally Robust Disaster Relief Planning under the Wasserstein SetComputers and Operations Research, 2024.
  7. S. Güven-Koçak*, A. Heching, P. Keskinocak, A. Toriello. Continuity of Care in Home Health Care Scheduling: Rolling Horizon ApproachJournal of Scheduling, 2024.
  8. C. Muir*, L. Marshall, A. Toriello. Temporal Bin Packing with Half-Capacity JobsINFORMS Journal on Optimization, 2024.
  9. F. Lagos*, M. Klapp*, A. Toriello. Branch-and-Price for Routing with Probabilistic CustomersComputers and Industrial Engineering, 2023.
  10. D. Banerjee*, A. Erera, A. Stroh*, A. Toriello. Who Has Access to E-Commerce and When? Time-Varying Service Regions in Same-Day DeliveryTransportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2023.
  11. C. Muir*, A. Toriello. Interval Scheduling with Economies of ScaleComputers and Operations Research, 2023.
  12. R. Khir*, A. Erera, A. Toriello. Robust Planning of Sorting Operations in Express Delivery SystemsEuropean Journal of Operational Research, 2023.
  13. D. Banerjee*, A. Erera, A. Toriello. Fleet Sizing and Service Region Partitioning for Same-Day Delivery Systems. Transportation Science, 2022.
    • Finalist, INFORMS TSL Student Paper Award, 2023.
  14. A. Torrico*, A. Toriello. Dynamic Relaxations for Online Bipartite Matching. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2022.
    • Featured article, July/August 2022 issue.
  15. A. Stroh*, A. Erera, A. Toriello. Tactical Design of Same-Day Delivery SystemsManagement Science, 2022.
    • Winner, INFORMS TSL Best Paper Award, 2024.
  16. S. Pérez-Salazar*, I. Menache, M. Singh, A. Toriello. Dynamic Resource Allocation in the Cloud with Near-Optimal EfficiencyOperations Research, 2022.
    • Runner-Up, INFORMS Computing Society Student Paper Award, 2019.
  17. C. Muir*, A. Toriello. Dynamic Node PackingMathematical Programming, 2022.
  18. W. Zhang, N.A. Uhan, M. Dessouky, A. Toriello. Acyclic Mechanism Design for Freight ConsolidationTransportation Science, 2022.
  19. S. Pérez-Salazar*, M. Singh, A. Toriello. Adaptive Bin Packing with OverflowMathematics of Operations Research, 2022.
    • Honorable mention, INFORMS Optimization Society Student Paper Prize, 2022.
  20. M. Farhadi, P. Tetali, A. Toriello. The Traveling Firefighter Problem. Proceedings of the SIAM Conference on Applied and Computational Discrete Algorithms, ACDA 2021.
  21. R. Khir*, A. Erera, A. Toriello. Two-Stage Sort Planning for Express Parcel DeliveryIISE Transactions, 2021.
  22. J. Li*, A. Toriello, H. Wang, S. Borin, C. Gallarno. Dynamic Inventory Allocation for Seasonal Merchandise at Dillard’s. INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, 2021.
  23. D. Blado*, A. Toriello. A Column and Constraint Generation Algorithm for the Dynamic Knapsack Problem with Stochastic Item Sizes. Mathematical Programming Computation, 2021.
  24. M. Klapp*, A. Erera, A. Toriello. Order Acceptance in Same-Day Delivery. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020.
  25. W. Hu*, Z. Yu*, A. Toriello, M. Dessouky. Decomposition-Based Approximation Algorithms for the One-Warehouse Multi-Retailer Problem with Concave Batch Order Costs. Naval Research Logistics, 2020.
  26. D. Blado*, A. Toriello. Relaxation Analysis for the Dynamic Knapsack Problem with Stochastic Item Sizes. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2019.
  27. W. Zhang, N.A. Uhan, M. Dessouky, A. Toriello. Moulin Mechanism Design for Freight Consolidation. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2018.
  28. W.B. Haskell, A. Toriello. Modeling Stochastic Dominance as Infinite-Dimensional Constraint Systems via Strassen’s Theorem. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2018.
  29. M. Klapp*, A.L. Erera, A. Toriello. The Dynamic Dispatch Waves Problem for Same-Day Delivery. European Journal of Operational Research, 2018.
  30. W. Hu*, A. Toriello, M. Dessouky. Integrated Inventory Routing and Freight Consolidation for Perishable Goods. European Journal of Operational Research, 2018.
  31. A. Torrico*, S. Ahmed, A. Toriello. A Polyhedral Approach to Online Bipartite Matching. Mathematical Programming, 2018.
  32. M. Klapp*, A.L. Erera, A. Toriello. The One-Dimensional Dynamic Dispatch Waves Problem. Transportation Science, 2018.
  33. D. Reyes*, M. Savelsbergh, A. Toriello. Vehicle Routing with Roaming Delivery Locations. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2017.
  34. A. Toriello, N.A. Uhan. Dynamic Linear Programming Games with Risk-Averse Players. Mathematical Programming, 2017.
  35. D. Blado*, W. Hu*, A. Toriello. Semi-Infinite Relaxations for the Dynamic Knapsack Problem with Stochastic Item Sizes. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2016.
  36. W. Hu*, M.S. Lavieri, A. Toriello, X. Liu. Strategic Health Workforce Planning. IIE Transactions, 2016.
    • Honorable Mention, INFORMS SPPSN Best Paper Award, 2013.
  37. J. Woodruff, W.B. Haskell, A. Toriello. Optimized Financial Systems Helps Customers Meet their Personal Finance Goals with Optimization. Interfaces, 2016.
  38. G.J. Schell, M.S. Lavieri, F. Jankovic, X. Li, A. Toriello, K.K. Martyn, G.L. Freed. Strategic Modeling of the Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Workforce. Nursing Outlook, 2016.
  39. L. Rademacher, A. Toriello, J.P. Vielma. On Packing and Covering Polyhedra in Infinite Dimensions. Operations Research Letters, 2016.
  40. G.J. Schell, X. Li, M.S. Lavieri, A. Toriello, K.K. Martyn, G.L. Freed. Strategic Modeling of the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Workforce: How Policy Changes Can Yield Self-Sufficiency. Pediatrics, 2015.
  41. A. Toriello, W.B. Haskell, M. Poremba*. A Dynamic Traveling Salesman Problem with Stochastic Arc Costs. Operations Research, 2014.
  42. C. Nguyen*, M. Dessouky, A. Toriello. Consolidation Strategies for the Delivery of Perishable Products. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2014.
  43. A. Toriello. Optimal Toll Design: A Lower Bound Framework for the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem. Mathematical Programming, 2014.
  44. A. Toriello, N.A. Uhan. Dynamic Cost Allocation for Economic Lot Sizing Games. Operations Research Letters, 2014.
  45. A. Toriello, N.A. Uhan. On Traveling Salesman Games with Asymmetric Costs. Operations Research, 2013. (Technical note.)
  46. C. Nguyen*, A. Toriello, M. Dessouky, J. Moore. Evaluation of Transportation Practices in the California Cut Flower Industry. Interfaces, 2013.
  47. D. Papageorgiou, A. Toriello, G. Nemhauser, M. Savelsbergh. Fixed-Charge Transportation with Product Blending. Transportation Science, 2012.
  48. A. Toriello, J.P. Vielma. Fitting Piecewise Linear Continuous Functions. European Journal of Operational Research, 2012.
  49. A. Toriello, G. Nemhauser. The Value Function of an Infinite-Horizon Single-Item Lot-Sizing Problem. Operations Research Letters, 2012.
  50. A. Toriello, G. Nemhauser, M. Savelsbergh. Decomposing Inventory Routing Problems with Approximate Value Functions. Naval Research Logistics, 2010.
  51. F. Kılınç-Karzan, A. Toriello, S. Ahmed, G. Nemhauser, M. Savelsbergh. Approximating the Stability Region for Binary Mixed-Integer Programs. Operations Research Letters, 2009.


  1. R. Fukasawa, A. Sapucaia Barboza, A. Toriello. On the Strength of Approximate Linear Programming Relaxations for the Traveling Salesman Problem.
  2. A. Toriello. Time Decomposition of Multi-Period Supply Chain Models. Ph.D. Thesis. Georgia Institute of Technology, December 2010.
  3. A. Toriello. A Brief Lecture on Submodular Functions.

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